Author Topic: FesterMA Map  (Read 420 times)

Offline rpm

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FesterMA Map
« on: February 08, 2004, 05:17:42 PM »
Films only record empty tower in FesterMA.
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Offline Morpheus

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FesterMA Map
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2004, 11:25:21 AM »
RPM, IT sounds to me like have a problem of its own outside of FesterMA. I recall reading another one of these posts, I beleive it was yours as a matter of fact(could be wrong though)
Anyways, you got me wondering if i was going crazy. I had recorded several fights before I first read your post. I looked them over, patted myself on the back or hit my head into the desk, ect ect. Anyways. I read your post and just to see if this was something that just started happening(your film bug) so to speak... I hopped out on the runway and started recording. Went out of the game, and veiwed it. It worked.... I do not in anyway feel that FEsterMA (the map itself) has anything to do with your problem... I may be wrong, but Im near certain that I am not... I'd call HTC, maybe talk to Skuzzy... He's great when it comes to helping out with compter problems... Helped me out in the past and can help you
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