Author Topic: Beta 13  (Read 2705 times)

Offline Pyro

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Beta 13
« on: February 11, 2004, 12:23:51 PM »
Beta 13 is now available for download.

Full version:

Update from 12:

Aces High II Version 1.9913 Open Beta

Enabled the B-17.

Started implementation of a new fuel consumption model.  Fuel burn rate will now vary with altitude and the various RPM and manifold settings should produce an appropriate speed and fuel consumption which translates to an appropriate range and endurance for each plane.  As we implement this to all planes, the RPM and MP gauges will display the correct settings for each plane.  This is currently implemented on the P-51D, Spit IX, Spit V, B-17, and B-26.

Added E6B button to your inflight clipboard.  This will bring up flight information such as fuel burn, range, endurance, wind, and speed information.  An E6B is a small mechanical flight computer.

Fixed a bug that could cause parts of a plane to disappear in external view mode.

Gunsights in drone planes now work.

Airshow smoke now comes out of the wingtips.

Fixed a bug that cause some things like the artificial horizon to show through the clipboard.

Fixed the drag coefficient of water.

Skins are now functional online.  Skins will auto-download while you are in the arena.  There are currently extra skins enabled online.

The ammo count in tank sights now displays correctly.

P-51B gear indicator light now works correctly.

Changed the shape of the bail-out pilot.

Changed the shape of the paratrooper.

Fixed some prop sorting issues on the B-26.

Fixed a bug that always reverted your fuel load to 25% when you entered the hangar.

Changed the way engine sounds work.  Pitch changes are now tied to RPM and volume changes are tied to throttle settings.

Remodeled the Spit V performance.  The Spit V uses a C wing with B wing armament.  Weight went up a little and a higher WeP rating is now used.

The Spit V and IX had their fuel loads reduced to the correct amount.  The Spit IX now has a slightly higher empty weight.