Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Wow you just slapped the hundreds of thousands of americans who defended and served this country in the guard and the reserves....
No, just the ones who were getting paid to be there and were not.
Wow, thats amazing what people will do out of political fanaticism.[/B]
Yeah, you should read your own posts.
Bush flew F102 interceptors, at the time they were one of the principal air defense assets tasked with defending the USA from bomber attack, which was a real issue at that difficult time of the cold war. [/B]
That's a nice spin. But the truth is those bombers would be intercepted long before they got near the country. He had a nice little gig, don't let political fanaticism fool you.
You know what I'm happy that lunatic Dean is finished, but this Kerry guy is turning out to be just as bad - and likey worse when it comes to honesty....[/B]
So when you look up the word honesty, there is a picture of Bush?
Look, I live in Ma. I've seen Kerry in action. I'm not impressed with him politically. This is the guy who used taxpayers money to move a firehydrant from the front of his house to in front of his neighbors house so he could have a parking spot(I can't verify this, but i've heard it several times).
But i'll never question his thoughts or actions involving vietnam. He served there, he lived all those horror stories you've heard. Maybe if you saw what he did, you may have protested too. I have a soft spot for vietnam vets, and no matter what they think about the war, I always respect their thoughts on it. I'll never question Kerry's service, or anyone who served over there. I never want to see what they saw. I hope no one ever sees that again.
Honestly, I don't think a regime change is a good thing at this point. I would like to see Bush resolve a few things he started first. We stood behind him when he made his decisions, I would like him to have the chance to finish it. It's only four more years, and the situation needs time, i'm willing to give him those four years. I have other issues, but I would like to see Iraq and OBL(edit) resolved first.