Author Topic: ideas to twart dual account spies..  (Read 2020 times)

Offline WhiteHawk

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2004, 05:06:20 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Whitehawk, normally, a mentally healthy person would think that if something goes wrong with their plan, it's because the plan sucked. Not because there is a spy waiting at every corner of the alley.

 Tilt is 100% right. It's a witch hunt claim, finding someone to accuse with no grounds behind the accusation. I've seen numerous spy claims and yet, have nobody ever come up with any proof so far.

Rest assured, i know that it is happening.

Offline WhiteHawk

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2004, 05:10:50 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Just another Facet of the game. kinda makes it more realistic LOL
We've all benifited form spies as well as been hurt by them.

but By and large from what I have seen is they pretty much have minimal effect on the over all game.
Most missions/plans that I have seen go wrong  for both sides friendly and enemy were due to either a poor plan,and/or execution, someone screwing up and popping up obove dar or more frequently because someone was heads up enough to take notice and give  warning and others were wise enough to take heed to those warnings and take action.

  Some suggestions as i mentioned at the top would be a good solution.  If there are no spies then who cares if friendly dar is disabled for a particular group of people who dont want to be seen by anybody anyway?  Who cares if I require permission to be wingmanned?  If there are spies, it is them that suffer and nobdy else.  I wont argue with there bieng spies in the game.  it is profitable for AH(short run).  But lets at least be allowed a chance to counter them.

Offline Morpheus

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2004, 08:17:20 AM »
Originally posted by Furious
I ended up having to open a fourth account.

At first I just had the one I flew on.  But I got annoyed not knowing what the knits were doing, so I opened the second.  Then I was intrigued with the goings on over in bish land and had to have the third account.

All this spying got very confusing.  Sometimes I would get so involved with being a spy that I would forget what I was doing.  

So I opend the fourth to spy on myself.

Furious, I feel your pain... I ended up having a 5th and finnal account to spy on myself for spying on myself who was spying on the bish that was spying on the Nights who was a Player on the Rooks.... mmk whos on first?:D
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Offline Kanth

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2004, 03:25:05 PM »
for NOE.

If someone goes below dar, no one can see them, including their own country.
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Offline WhiteHawk

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2004, 06:36:24 PM »
Originally posted by Kanth
for NOE.

If someone goes below dar, no one can see them, including their own country.

even with wingman enabled?  hmmm..maybe I am paranoid.:(

Offline Furious

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2004, 07:12:08 PM »
Not true anymore Kanth.

Offline Kanth

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2004, 09:42:39 PM »
No, that was my solve for the problem.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Originally posted by Furious
Not true anymore Kanth.
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Offline empty

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2004, 11:20:26 PM »
So restrict radar reporting (under-dar) to squad and mission.  That eliminates the majority and the random.

I don't know how many NOE's I've spoofed just being in the right place.  Usually because I refuse to use front line fields.  Having guys that are "lifters" along also goof the mission up.  I don't know if its intentional or not, but I had a guy that just refused to stay low.  I've also had the "friendlies" shadow the NOE mission, I assume to help.  No amount of communication seemed to work.  Was this guy a spy?  or was he just new and didn't know any better?  I have no idea, but he was annoying.

IP addresses wouldn't work well, I personally own 8 IPs for my own networking purposes.  They are all static.  Others have multiples assigned dynamically from their ISPs because they have multiple computers.

Unless the guy is internet sharing or actually using the same computer to run multiple instances of AH you won't get the same IP.

Spying happens, been happening for 7000-years of recorded history.

Offline Furious

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2004, 02:50:44 AM »
Originally posted by Kanth
No, that was my solve for the problem.

My bad.  It used to be like that.  

I prefer it the way it is now.  With that system there could be friendlies up defending a base under heavy attack, but you couldn't tell because a good deal of them might be on the deck fightin.  You'd see no dots and no bar and figure the base was overrun and a lost cause.

Offline tapakeg

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2004, 06:35:35 AM »
You should be able to switch sides and back once a tour.  Why would you need more than that?

You know that your landing gear is up and locked when it takes full power to taxi to the terminal

Offline WhiteHawk

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2004, 07:12:12 AM »
Originally posted by empty

Spying happens, been happening for 7000-years of recorded history.

So has counter-spying.  So we either need to say dual accounts is OK, or come up with some means to counter it.

Offline Morpheus

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2004, 07:18:20 AM »
So has counter-spying. So we either need to say dual accounts is OK, or come up with some means to counter it.

How bouts who really cares? I really dont think that there is much spying going on with multi accounts anyways... You make it seem like this is a very big problem. Can you show me otherwise?
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Offline ALF

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2004, 08:08:32 AM »
With all this rampant spying going on, its amazing that my squad is ever able to take bases with under dar raids.....its even more amazing that we do it as a matter of regular squad ops, week in and week out.  On the same note, Ive got a litle issue with this whole spys ruining the game thing.  You can usually yell and scream for help with a huge bar dar and get minimal just how are these spys anything more than a minor nusance...since noone would listen to them anyway.

Offline dedalos

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2004, 08:49:28 AM »
Yes spying, if it is there is a bad thing.  

But just so I understand the problem better.  The complain is that you tryied to take a base and met with resistance?  Doesn't that make it more fun?  Would you rather take a base without a single shot fired in the air?  Just buildings?
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Kanth

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ideas to twart dual account spies..
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2004, 09:40:36 AM »
Good point.

Well, another option would be that building the NOE mission in the mission editor reinstates the "no see unless above dar" rule for all planes belonging to that mission.

Once they die, radar occurs as normal.

Originally posted by Furious
My bad.  It used to be like that.  

I prefer it the way it is now.  With that system there could be friendlies up defending a base under heavy attack, but you couldn't tell because a good deal of them might be on the deck fightin.  You'd see no dots and no bar and figure the base was overrun and a lost cause.
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