Author Topic: !!SUPER SLICK!! Unreal Tournament 2004 + Logitech Headset for 9.99 or 0.00 Shipped.  (Read 279 times)

Offline Pfunk

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Comes with this headset,CRID=103,CONTENTID=6339

Ok EBGames has Unreal Tournament Special Edition DVD set for $39.99 SHIPPED. This is a preorder and the game is expected to be shipped on 3/16. This is a SPECIAL edition which means it comes with extra stuff and is on DVD plus its in a metal case and most inportantly it has a Logitech headset with a microphone! This headset is a $24.95 value.

Now this is a nice deal already (at most places this costs around $50-59) but there is more. If you send in a mail-in voucher you get a $20 gift certificate.  


Thats pretty sweet huh? but there is even MORE. To top it off you can get an additional $10 off. After you complete the check out process, you should see a link on the confirmation page near your order total that says:

"Your purchase is complete. Click here to claim your special reward for your purchase today."

Its a 30 day trial for a service called Reservation Rewards, there are no charges associated with the trial as long as you cancel within 30 days! You get a $10 Gift voucher for EBgames after you enter your email addy on the signup page when a confirmation window pops up and you get an email with the voucher code.

Be sure to cancel the reservation rewards within 30 days. Cancellation number is 1-888-688-5995. There is also a cancellation webpage on the reservation website. I have confirmed this to be working (and my membership is canceled).

Now all you have to do is go back and cancel the original order and reorder the same thing with the $10 voucher.

Now there is one last step that is for the owners of UT2K3. Send in the $10 rebate (it will be included in the box set) + the UPC from the UT2K3 box and get an additional $10 off.

TOTAL: $39.99 - $20.00 - $10.00 - (UT2K3 rebate of $10) = $10.00 (or $0.00) Shipped!