Author Topic: Will it ever get better???  (Read 3654 times)

Offline Soulyss

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Will it ever get better???
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2004, 05:08:58 PM »
lol me too, I've usually been able to pick things up fairly quickly in my life, and when I don't/can't I get frustrated really easily.  I still remember the first kill I got in AH, I literally jumped up and did a little happy dance around my apartment.  My roomates thought I was nuts.  

I wouldn't really consider myself a good teacher but if you see me online give a holler I'll see if I can help ya out or look at some of your films for you.   Though you may be better served by a member of the training staff who has a little bit more experience in the matter.
80th FS "Headhunters"
I blame mir.

Offline BigMax

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« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2004, 08:29:11 PM »
Help is always available with trainer...  Just email us @ Trainers@HitechCreations.Com and it will hit all of our mail boxes.  That will allow you to get some one-on-one time with a someone that has been playing for years...

Working with a trainer probably equates to about a week of knowledge per hour spent in one-on-one training...

We'll definitely make you better!:aok

Offline TweetyBird

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« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2004, 09:31:46 PM »
>>Practice gunnery offline vs the drones untill you can kill them at various distances and angles learning to lead the target - ie fire at a point so your bullets and the target intercept in space in the time it takes for both the target and the bullets to meet. <<

No offense, and no I'm not good, but DON'T spend a lot of time practicing against drones offline. Take it from someone who has shot down NateDog at least 5000 times offline :) I helps gunnery little. Better to use that time to find someone in the TA or DA to practice shooting with. And believe me, I've thought of all types of convoluted exercises, but the simple fact is the drones' paths are predictable and players' paths aren't. IMHO ( and a newbie of 4 months), I think shooting drones offline is a waste of time.

Offline Soda

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« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2004, 09:28:03 AM »
Flying offline against the drones can be useful, but you have to understand that it has some limits.  The drones are predictable, which in the Main Arena is not what you will find, but when you are new and just trying to master some simple maneuvers and learn how to track targets visually, the drones provide a useful object to mock-attack.  I don't consider the drones a great source of gunnery practice though unless you are intentionally attacking from difficult angles (and not just flying up behind them).  Just flying in behind them can provide some satisfaction (I mean, who wouldn't want to shoot down Natedog!) but most opportunities in the MA are brief , fleeting, shots at best so you need to react almost instantly.  You have to start somewhere though and offline isn't a bad place just to be alone and practice...

just my opinion though.

Offline Halo

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« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2004, 12:49:06 PM »
The main thing is to keep your sense of humor and perspective -- Aces High is fantastic, but it is just a GAME.  Enjoy it and have fun.  

Don't beat yourself up when things go wrong, because sometimes s--- happens no matter how good you get.  

Keep an open mind and learn from everything.  The best lessons usually come from defeats.  Be persistent and stay calm.  

Make yourself wield the joystick like a graceful musical instrument -- yanking it around only makes things worse.

Choose your fights and be the attacker, not the victim.  When all else fails, be confident and aggressive.  Don't lapse into victim mentality.  

In cyber you can experience things that would be a death ticket in real life.   Take advantage of the opportunities to learn all the time and in all circumstances.  

Don't get stuck on one plane or vehicle, at least not until you've eventually tried them all.  This also helps understand all ride  advantages and limitations when you go against them.  

Friendly kidding is fine, but it can lapse into vendettas.  Best to focus more on flying than chatting, and always be a gentleman, not a jerk.  

Don't worry about scores.  It's okay to sometimes try for high scores in various areas, but don't fret about scores.  Fixating on scores is the quickest way to ruin your pleasure.

Most of all, remember the circus axiom:  You're only as good as your last act.  Even the highest scorer eventually loses a fight, and it might as well be to you.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. (Seneca, 1st century AD, et al)
Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty. (Anne Herbert, 1982, Sausalito, CA)
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Offline nopoop

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« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2004, 02:17:06 PM »
It is a steep learning curve here or any online flightsim for that matter. Don't get discouraged.

Get some help from the trainers in setting up your stick. With your stick setup and all of your views in place you have a place to start. Study the differences of the aircraft in what they are good at and what they're not.

Learn your plane of choice to the point you no longer have to think about it, you just fly it.

The light bulb will go off when you learn that it isn't what you are doing, it's what your opponent is doing. What's his E state, what can he do at this point and what he can't and act accordingly. You'll be thinkiing out of your aircraft instead of inside it.

Judging the other guy is tough to learn. It takes time. Lots of time.

And just like any other thing in life there are some pilots here that have a gift and a talent for "flightsims" that you will probably never match. It's a givin. I want to play the guitar like David Gilmore. I can't. No matter how much I practice, no matter how much I study...I can't.  But it is fun trying.

Watch levi's films, watch WT's films and above all else have fun.

I've spent the last six months flying at a disadvantage trying to apply the techniques of reversals in a multi con envirement in those films.

I'm getting the snot beat out of me.

But I'm stubbern.

Check our website, have a few films that are worth a study.

Have fun !!

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline Boozer2

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« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2004, 08:50:52 PM »
Spend a couple sorties and ride with someone decent while they're fying, se what and why they're doing things live, immense help.

Offline LtPillur

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« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2004, 01:55:50 PM »
Originally posted by Soda
Flying offline against the drones can be useful, but you have to understand that it has some limits.  The drones are predictable, which in the Main Arena is not what you will find, but when you are new and just trying to master some simple maneuvers and learn how to track targets visually, the drones provide a useful object to mock-attack.  I don't consider the drones a great source of gunnery practice though unless you are intentionally attacking from difficult angles (and not just flying up behind them).  Just flying in behind them can provide some satisfaction (I mean, who wouldn't want to shoot down Natedog!) but most opportunities in the MA are brief , fleeting, shots at best so you need to react almost instantly.  You have to start somewhere though and offline isn't a bad place just to be alone and practice...

just my opinion though.

Poor Natedog!! I have a hard time hitting the drones from right behind. I do appreciate your offers to get training and plan on doing so just after I get over this cold that my whole family has. Thanks again for your insights.

Offline LtPillur

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« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2004, 01:58:31 PM »
Originally posted by Boozer2
Spend a couple sorties and ride with someone decent while they're fying, se what and why they're doing things live, immense help.

I accidentally hit the "join" button one night and got a very cool ride. I was amazed at what this person coud do. (It was truly an accident so I can't even give credit). I am going to try this a bit in the DA, if they accept me into "the club". Your advice is good thanks.

Offline LtPillur

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Re: Will it ever get better???
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2004, 02:02:04 PM »
Originally posted by LtPillur
Ive only been at this for ~3 months. And at that don't practice as much as others. I just can't seem to get all this together......[/QUOTE

I wanted to thank everyone for your help. I didn't expect so many people to say "Yeah that's about right". Or the great offers for training etc. Thanks to everyone!! I'm going to give it ....heck! :aok

Offline Max

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« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2004, 07:39:01 AM »
Pillur I feel your pain. I've been flying air combat sims since '96 and my skills are intermediate at best.  I can offer a few suggestions which will aid you in your quest.

What kind of joystick do you use? Use of  the stick scaling set-up will minimize "nose bounce", which will improve your gunnery. Having access to rudder controls via twist handle or pedals will allow you additional wiggle room for "edge of the envelope" snap shots.

Views are extremely vital, especially your rear views. At which point in the fight you go defensive (NME on your 6) you need to know where they are and have eyes on their' tracers. I have "move up, move left, move right" seat adjustments toggled to my throttle, hence I can look back and use the move right/left to see what's on my six, and roll my AC to keep it out of harm's way.

What plane do you fly? The reason I ask is it will determine fighting style and ammo load out. 50 cal MG's hold a fairly flat trajectory. Same holds true for 20 mm Hispano cannons. On either case set the convergence to 650 but try to get inside of 500 yds before opening fire. The really good sticks in this game will get inside of 300. The FM2 (Wildcat) has 4 50 cal mg's with a pretty decent load out...about 1600 rnds I believe. I find the 50 cals on the FM2 to be more lethal than those of a Pony  or say, Corsair...I'm told that due to a higher rate of fire. The FM2 turns on a dime and will take some punishment. I'd recommend you stick with it for a month or so. Be aware though, it's not a particularly fast plane. Grab some alt and pick around the edges of a furball. You'll get some kills. Just don't hang around too long.
If you get caught on the deck, use it's turning ability to get outta Dodge and grab some more air.

Hope that helps. Once I know your j-stick, I can prolly help you with the nose bounce.


Offline Spitter

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« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2004, 11:11:49 AM »
If it'll make ya feel any better, I've only been at this about a month, and haven't scored a kill yet....

Got some assists friday night though!  :aok

We could start a thread to see who has the higher (worse) score.  Mine is currently somewhere over 3500...can you say major Suckage!?!?!  Hey..maybe I just thought of a new online name.... :lol


Offline humble

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« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2004, 12:02:38 PM »
We're all reformed "baby seals"....what your experienceing is fact my original "handle" comes specifically from my 1st week in the AW on AOL "training arena"...I'd goofed around a bit on AW on genie but couldnt afford it. Got good at the "boxed" flight sims...then WOW AW on AOL....time to go sweep them dweebs from the sky's....wrongo:eek: ... I got killed 100times before I even got a shot at someone...think I had 242 deaths before I got my 1st kill (gee bout same as yesterday:mad: )...

Best advice above is find a trainer, they'll help you ALOT. Just make sure you take a moment to thank em's a tough and often unrewarding job (spent my time as one). Only thing I dont like about the training setup now is the gunnery...I preferred it when you got dinged...

DA is best place for you as much as you can handle it...

If your flying knight and see me up I'll be happy to wing you a bit or let you ride along.


"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline LtPillur

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« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2004, 07:36:40 PM »
Originally posted by DMax

What kind of joystick do you use? Use of  the stick scaling set-up will minimize "nose bounce", which will improve your gunnery. Having access to rudder controls via twist handle or pedals will allow you additional wiggle room for "edge of the envelope" snap shots.

What plane do you fly? The reason I ask is it will determine fighting style and ammo load out. 50 cal MG's hold a fairly flat trajectory. Same holds true for 20 mm Hispano cannons. DmdMax

I'm using a Microsoft Forcefeedback 2 with the turn grip rudder

I've been flying that bouncy P-38:) I've also flown most every plane on the list, including the C-47 (I still love the gooney in real life). The P-51D and the spits are usually my first choices. If I can't kill i want to be able to run!

Offline Halo

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« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2004, 08:35:53 PM »
Do you enjoy force feedback?  If not, you might want to turn it off in Aces High.  I had a force feedback stick but soon gave it up and returned to regular stick.  The force feedback seemed more trouble than benefit to me.

It's all about individual preferences and what works best for you.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. (Seneca, 1st century AD, et al)
Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty. (Anne Herbert, 1982, Sausalito, CA)
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