Originally posted by Batz
If folks are saying ya need 163s to run down allied farm bois then nothing has changed. Still the worst match up ever.
If all it takes is the biggest whiner in the CT posting that "you need 163s to run down allies" and you flying a whole sortie or two is enough to support your continuing delusion about the match-up ... so be it. I've had no problems killing any single allied plane in the setup ... from the cockpit of a Tony
or a Zeke.
It's simple folks.
1: If they run, let `em. It ain't like you chasing them will slow them down. Turn and "find another enemy" (even if there's not another one close). He'll either turn around to give it another try or not.
2: The Japanese planes can climb. AAMOF ... the Zeke climbs like a lovesick angel. Do it whenever you get the chance. If you
don't get the chance, that means the fight's right at your base and low. Either take your chances upping there to get a few or back up a base and come in higher to jump on their heads. Either way .... the allied rides
aren't at 15k+ and running from fights when that's happening.

3: Latch on, get close. The majority of allied rides are fighting between a10 and a11 with many of them low and turning. Even the one's grabbing seem to be blowing their e alot (some are playing it smarter). Go in with a buddy (it'd be smart to at least go in with somewhat even numbers if you can), appraise the situation, select your opponent and engage. If the guy's bled e and is turning - close in ... latch on .... and give him a decent burst up close. He'll go down. If the guy has e and extends - reappraise and do the same. Ad infinitum. If Batz finds that "boring" then that's him.

4: The Tony can accelerate like a bat outa hell and if an F4U turns any at all, the Tony will be on it like white on rice (so to speak

). You need to grab with it a bit. It'll BnZ with the best of em. But if caught in a pinch low, it'll turn sweet (like all the IJ planeset is known for). It has a fine punch and can splash any allied plane if you close and have average gunnery skill. The Zeke is slower but more maneuverable. It carries a decent punch as well ... but
remember ... close in for the kill.
Once again .... if the allied plane refuses to slow down to fight then keep turning and look for one that will. Sooner or later (and it seems sooner most times) you'll find one. Keep your head on a swivel. Close in. Shoot straight. Have fun.

I've not flown the F4U once so far in this setup (seems I'm always logging on at the wrong times and the IJ needs my help

) and my experiences flying IJ planes has been, for the most part, very fun and fairly successful. There's no reason it can't be like that for anyone. There's no excuse to not succeed as an IJ player other than personal shortcomings or shortsightedness.
The planeset is a good one in spite of the ancient ritual of trying to whine it to death.
Hope your connection stabilizes soon, Batz. I'm looking forward to fighting you in this one.