Author Topic: Stats so far  (Read 2547 times)

Offline Squire

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« on: March 13, 2004, 06:10:10 PM »
*The F4U-1 has 60 kills and has been killed 82 times against the Ki-61.

*The F6F-5 has 127 kills and has been killed 130 times against the Ki-61.

*The P-40E has 35 kills and has been killed 73 times against the Ki-61.

*The A-20G has 3 kills and has been killed 22 times against the Ki-61.

*The F4F-4 has 38 kills and has been killed 48 times against the Ki-61.

*All planes have 437 kills and have been killed 562 times against the Ki-61.

I want to know if the F4U-1 is so uber why are all the allies flying the F6F?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2004, 07:19:02 PM by Squire »
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
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Offline Grits

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« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2004, 12:01:45 AM »
Looks like the Ki61 is the Uber plane in this set eh?

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2004, 01:07:13 AM »
It was determand last F4U PTO that even the F4U-4 and Chog was out classed by the George!!
GUess now we can enjoy the F4U every PTO :)

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2004, 02:08:30 AM »
Guess that depends on what the staffer wants to feature. But yeah ... I'd say there's no reason to keep the F4U out unless it's early pre-F4U Pac.

Offline Squire

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« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2004, 09:23:21 AM »
Glad you have decided to stay and fight then Storch. Cya up.
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
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Offline Reschke

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« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2004, 10:23:09 AM »
Personally I don't believe its the plane at all but rather how the Allied players decide to fight. I would be that of all the kills in the fight they took place below 12k, but we have no way of knowing that.

On another point. Whatever you decide to do Storch its your money.
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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Offline Löwe

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« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2004, 10:41:23 AM »
Originally posted by storch
nope done for the week

Whine Recorded

Offline Reschke

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« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2004, 11:17:24 AM »
I appreciate your post confirming my thought about all the fights happening low and out of the Allied strength your next comment was utterly ridiculous. Lets just leave it at that and continue the thoughts about why the Allied guys want to get low and slow to become targets instead of fighting to their strengths or the Japanese aircraft weaknesses.
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
Founder and CO VF-17 Jolly Rogers September 2002 - December 2006
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Offline Batz

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« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2004, 12:27:24 PM »
Personally I don't believe its the plane at all but rather how the Allied players decide to fight.

Thats exactly right. If folks go back and read what is actually said about planes like the F4U no where do you see the word "uber" (except from farm bois who try to justify their suxor).

Its an easy kill unless flown by Drex, Urchin, Fester, Levi. The rest just suck so they run around the whole time boring the other side to death.

It would be different if there was a "fight" not a "chase me in circles until the other 9 guys show up to gang you".

In most setups when you check stats the axis do well (even when outnumbered and in slower planes). That has never been the point. Its about fun. Chasing a guy around aint fun, atleast for some of us.

I tried 1 sortie and got 2 kills in tony but the warpin was so bad I never saw an F4U-1 so I cant say how this setup is playing out but the above is based on many past experiences with these type set ups. If folks are saying ya need 163s to run down allied farm bois then nothing has changed. Still the worst match up ever. :p

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2004, 12:50:40 PM »
I wouldn't say the setup is so bad.  But there are a few things that seem to be affecting how good the Allied side is compared to the Axis.

For starters majority of the fights have been low and on the deck close to the Allied base.  It seems there is always a constant flow of Allieds coming into the fights where as the Axis have to fly slightly further to get back into it.  Not too bad of a scenario but once the fight becomes TnB your bound to get a con on your six if it isn't ended quickly.

Secondly even in a medium alt fight you can gain the upperhand and most will spiral to the deck to evade.  It's a good maneuver and I'd use it myself but the immediately run back to base.  So getting the kills quickly isn't that easy.  You have to hold your alt and just go looking for another fight.  Somewhere in this whole process an F4U is gaining as much alt as possible and will begin to BnZ you to death.  Most of the time they seem to show up after your second merge with another plane.

The last thing I noticed is the fact that someone on the Allied parked 2 CVs literally right offshore of the Axis base.  The second you up your getting engaged by flak.  By the time you've tried to avoid them to get to the real fight you've got multiples on you.  

Plus its seemed that the Allied constantly has a few more numbers if not 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 ratios.  The few more numbers isn't an issue but the other is.  I don't really remember seeing the numbers that unbalanced in the last set.  People were constantly switching over to help balance the arena out.

Overall I think even if the fights were on the deck the Axis wouldn't have so many issues if they Allied were spread out a bit.  In concentrated numbers they seem to rip us apart but seperated they aren't as hard to deal with.  This ofcourse does not include the major sticks that fly in there as they are always hard to deal with.  Bringing the fight to south over the ocean as opposed to in the bay would seem to make the fights a little more even.  Just my opinion though.  Happy hunting.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2004, 01:38:05 PM »
Originally posted by Batz
If folks are saying ya need 163s to run down allied farm bois then nothing has changed. Still the worst match up ever. :p

If all it takes is the biggest whiner in the CT posting that "you need 163s to run down allies" and you flying a whole sortie or two is enough to support your continuing delusion about the match-up ... so be it. I've had no problems killing any single allied plane in the setup  ... from the cockpit of a Tony or a Zeke.

It's simple folks.

1: If they run, let `em. It ain't like you chasing them will slow them down. Turn and "find another enemy" (even if there's not another one close). He'll either turn around to give it another try or not.

2: The Japanese planes can climb. AAMOF ... the Zeke climbs like a lovesick angel. Do it whenever you get the chance. If you don't get the chance, that means the fight's right at your base and low. Either take your chances upping there to get a few or back up a base and come in higher to jump on their heads. Either way .... the allied rides aren't at 15k+ and running from fights when that's happening. :D

3: Latch on, get close. The majority of allied rides are fighting between a10 and a11 with many of them low and turning. Even the one's grabbing seem to be blowing their e alot (some are playing it smarter). Go in with a buddy (it'd be smart to at least go in with somewhat even numbers if you can), appraise the situation, select your opponent and engage. If the guy's bled e and is turning - close in ... latch on .... and give him a decent burst up close. He'll go down. If the guy has e and extends - reappraise and do the same. Ad infinitum. If Batz finds that "boring" then that's him. ;)

4: The Tony can accelerate like a bat outa hell and if an F4U turns any at all, the Tony will be on it like white on rice (so to speak :D). You need to grab with it a bit. It'll BnZ with the best of em. But if caught in a pinch low, it'll turn sweet (like all the IJ planeset is known for). It has a fine punch and can splash any allied plane if you close and have average gunnery skill. The Zeke is slower but more maneuverable. It carries a decent punch as well ... but remember ... close in for the kill.

Once again .... if the allied plane refuses to slow down to fight then keep turning and look for one that will. Sooner or later (and it seems sooner most times) you'll find one. Keep your head on a swivel. Close in. Shoot straight. Have fun. :D

I've not flown the F4U once so far in this setup (seems I'm always logging on at the wrong times and the IJ needs my help :lol) and my experiences flying IJ planes has been, for the most part, very fun and fairly successful. There's no reason it can't be like that for anyone. There's no excuse to not succeed as an IJ player other than personal shortcomings or shortsightedness.

The planeset is a good one in spite of the ancient ritual of trying to whine it to death.

Hope your connection stabilizes soon, Batz. I'm looking forward to fighting you in this one. :aok

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2004, 01:56:35 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
I noticed is the fact that someone on the Allied parked 2 CVs literally right offshore of the Axis base.  The second you up your getting engaged by flak.  By the time you've tried to avoid them to get to the real fight you've got multiples on you.  

That be A11. This is 10 Bears' terrain, right? 10Bears ... any chance of perhaps getting you to add a shore batt at A11 that fires south and east (to deal with fleet ack and to exchange shots with the shore batt at a10 that some players like to use to shell a11 when their frustration level peaks)? I mean ... for the next time the terrain surfaces. If ya wanna.

I can understand if the allied side actually wanted to take the base or sumpin but it seems like a whole lotta trouble was went to by players that just wanted to keep an ack umbrella over 11 that forced the IJ planes low ... PTs off shore to pop the low planes .... and a porker sitting in a shore batt at a10 because they were bored and frustrated. And all this as the arena numbers was at ebb tide.
Just askin'. :D

Offline 1Duke1

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« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2004, 02:06:56 PM »
Forget it Arlo......your talking too much common sense.  You'd get more attentiveness and understanding talking to a brick wall.

folks are saying ya need 163s   Yeah, one incessant whiner equals "folks"  :rolleyes:

If you tell yourself long enough that a plane/planeset is bad, and that the you can't win against such and such plane/planeset....guess never will win.

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2004, 03:53:46 PM »
Originally posted by storch
Every time that I've logged on to the MA today the numbers have been bigger in the DA and the TA than in the CT.  What do you think that says?

My best guess:  Those people all want to fly 1945 hot rods.

Storch, I almost always end up flying Axis, too, and I almost always have a lot of fun.  I think the plane selection in this setup is very good, as the stats someone posted seem to indicate.  Frankly, I was having a ball last night flying an A6M2 (and I noticed a number of folks flying Wildcats, too).  You don't get a lot of kills, but it's a rush when you manage to clobber a Corsairpig or a Hellcat.

- oldman

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« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2004, 04:17:17 PM »
Will do Arlo..

Arlo if you can think of anything else.. I know about the furbar base down south A32.. I want to switch over the CV spawn points.. or move them way out in middle of ocean.. um.. refueling pad needs an extra taxi way strip so zekes don’t crash.. going to place a/c spawns directly on runway..

What else?.. add some more of those coral reef objects closer to shore (if you try and move the cv fleets too close you’ll get an error)

Reduce the number of town buildings to make field capture easier.

More manable gun positions and batteries.

Ah heck! since I got the editor opened, might as well add some strat eh?.. Not the big layouts.. something you might see on these islands.. little bicycle shop type things.. with roads and some veh spawn points leading up to these  targets. I’m thinking ammo dumps things like this.

Would like to experiment with HQs.. I don’t think there’s a limit to how many hq’s can be on a map.. The idea here is to limit how much dar the enemy can take down.

I’d put in re-supply convoys if the CT CMs didn’t piss me off.. I spend 2 days measuring out exactly how far away to put them so the base is re-supplied in 30 minutes.. or 3 truck or ship convoys only to find out from Bradys “We don’t use no stinking strat re-supply”... Pfffffttttt.

Was flying today and realized I don’t like the skin on the ki-61... might change that.

Will get cracking this week.. Kanittori updates his maps all the time.. I could do that.

Will have to find out from Skuzzy what the latest FTP situation is.. I sure don’t want to send him a 3.5MB file through the mail.

Zones?.. sure why not.. each island would be a zone.

Lets give New Zealand another plane.  Spit Far?  

Add to the list if you can think of anything else.