Author Topic: Probs with joystick...  (Read 1077 times)

Offline gnubee

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Probs with joystick...
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2004, 10:11:24 AM »
I’ve had problems with my old logitec stick myself….

It got to the point where I was considering melting it down and mailing its smoldering carcass back to Logitec.

Hehe…but instead, I just bought the bullet, and got a new stick.

I was interested in getting a HOTAS (Hands On Throttle And Stick) setup so I bought a Saitek x46 (I think that’s what it was) Anyway, it gave me fits too, so I returned it and got a cheap Topgun Afterburner II.  

Think of it as HOTAS on the cheap.  Separate throttle, 8 button stick with Hat switch and 2 rudder options (twist grip, or lever on the throttle)

To put in simply….I LOVE IT!

$60 well spent…I’ve had mine for almost 2 years now without a problem, and it gets plenty of use!

Just my $.02

Good luck and see ya up there

Offline Paintbrush

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No cd.
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2004, 01:42:22 AM »
gnubee, I finally purchased an afterburner  II. I've tested it offline and I like the feel of it. Now I want to program it so I can set the buttons the way I want. Problem is, it didn't come with a installation cd for the programming software. The instruction manual says to put in the cd to install the software but I didn't get one. I called the place I bought it from (Comp USA) and asked them to check another box to see if any of the others had a cd and they checked and said none had a cd.  huh?
Did yours come with a cd?

Offline Rolex

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Probs with joystick...
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2004, 03:43:06 AM »
Did you check the Thrustmaster website?

I had the same setup once but set buttons manually.

There is a stick setup for Afterburner already included in Aces High. Did you try that?

Offline gnubee

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Probs with joystick...
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2004, 10:55:08 AM »
Hey Paintbrush...sorry i haven't replied untill now.

Rolex is right about the manual stick set up.
That's what I did anyway.  It was fairly easy to do while in the game.

The way i did it was easy.... I would just press one of the buttons and see which one lit up on screen.  Then from the drop down menu in the stick set up screen I would just assign a command.

I'm not sure about calibration in AH2, but i imagine it is pretty much the same as it was for AH1.

I've closed my account with AH2 because my machine can't quite cut the mustard, but I've still got it installed on my computer.  If you need more help with setting up your stick, I'll look into it and come up with some instructions that make more sense than what I've put above...

Good luck