Author Topic: F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!  (Read 5044 times)

Offline -duma-

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2000, 06:02:00 AM »

Oh man! What a beautiful creation! If this ever comes to AH someone will have to do a sound pack replacing the engine with 'EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!'  


XO The Red Dragons

[This message has been edited by -duma- (edited 05-07-2000).]


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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2000, 06:31:00 AM »
A little off topic but any idea how to turn down the tank engine sound down ? Right now if I do engine sound down it just lowers the plane engine sound down .

My vote is for the flak gun , more gound vehicles will bring the planes down lower , thus speeding the game up , IMO . Two planes v one flak vehicle = boom for the flak vehicle .

Another question is the new M16 thats coming , will it be able to haul the paras to take the fields ? I sure hope so .

Ya its a flight sim but much more too .

air_rules = Play fair ....Don't worry about points......Keep a sense of humor......Drink Jim Beam......and don't let the fediddlein cat walk on the keyboard.......!!!


Offline blur

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2000, 07:06:00 AM »
This last week I made a large number of attacks against panzers in an N1K2. I literally showered 20mm cannon shells on them and saw no effect whatsoever. I even went to the extreme of coming in at stall speed in order to get some extra firing time up close and still no damage. I haven't tested the F4U-1C yet so maybe this issue is specific to this a/c.

Offline Sharky

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2000, 07:21:00 AM »
Hi all,

It seems to me, though I know very little about tanks, that the 20mm in aircraft should be fairly useless against a tank.  Is this right or should 20mm be tank killers?  I thought one of the reasons the russians liked the P-39 was the 37mm for tanks.


Offline -aper-

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2000, 08:06:00 AM »

Without air support any ground operation seems to be very risky.

Offline Ghosth

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2000, 08:15:00 AM »
On the niki's 4 20mm vs the tanks, I'm not sure if it's the slower rate of fire, or the lower muzzle speed. Any way you cut it a niki is only half as dangerous to a tank than a F4U.

Typhoons seem to be somewhere in the middle, most times they don't bother me that much. By their 3rd pass they are low slow & heading straight at me, easy targets  

Would love to see something with a bit more punch on the ground to guard against air attacks. 4 20mm would be perfect IMHO, even twin 20mm's would give pause to those attacking F4u's.

Offline Replicant

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2000, 09:08:00 AM »
Originally posted by -duma-:

Oh man! What a beautiful creation! If this ever comes to AH someone will have to do a sound pack replacing the engine with 'EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!'    

Exactly my thoughts when I first saw it Duma!  Looks like a Dalek on steroids!  

If the F4U-C was taken out of AH, then everybody would then use Tiffy's to attack tanks which are nearly as effective, though a lot harder to fly, especially if trying to pull out from a high AOA IMHO.  I've had a little success in a Spitfire 9, but you have to make all your cannon shots count and sometimes two or three passes.




Offline Kieren

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2000, 09:45:00 AM »

The top of the turret on a Panzer IV is only 25mm (1 inch). I don't know what the penetrating power of the HS cannon is against such armor, but it would seem to me that it should get close. The frontal armor was 50mm, and enemy tank shells might fail to penetrate beyond 1,000 yards (where's Badger?). We also don't know what shells are default on the HS cannon... AP or HE?

I would vote for flakpanzers, give the grunts a real thrill.  

Offline ra

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2000, 10:21:00 AM »
Another solution is to have an area of the arena where there are no A fields.  If we put only V fields in the central 9 sectors of the arena, there would be a place for tank fights.  There's nothing to stop jabos from coming over and strafing, except for the fact that most of the people who are currently strafing tanks are the types who never jabo unless the target is 1 mile away from their runway.  These people would be much happier at 25K over a friendly field in a Spitfire than 3 sectors away in a HogC strafing tanks.

Get rid of A fields in the middle of the arena and put some targets like towns and bridges for the tanks to fight over.  Maybe capturing a town or bridge could be made to result in some benefit for that country, like faster rebuild times.


Offline Pongo

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2000, 10:22:00 AM »
top turrent 15mm
Top of hull 16?mm
I have been looking for a penetration number for the HS but certainly it would be 25-30mm
The germans had a 20mm anti tank rifle that would penetrate 35mm at 300m so 25-30mm seems a good guess.
Why would the 30mm be any good at all against tanks. The one we have has such low velocity I would have thought it useless against tanks and have never tried it.

With the way long range shots are modeled in the game now I dont know about introducing a 37mm weapon. If a tanks main armement can hit an AC whats going to happen with a 37mm?
If there is a probelem with the way bomb and blast damage are modeled then we have to address that first. ( i thought it was just my poor accuracy)

One point about the 20mm HSs capability in Ait to tank though..
Why did the British develop the S gun....they definatly did not need it from what I have seen here. And why did all those AC carry useless rockets?
This indicates to me that something is wrong but it is subjective...

Offline crabofix

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2000, 10:36:00 AM »
Originally posted by Kieren:

The top of the turret on a Panzer IV is only 25mm (1 inch). I don't know what the penetrating power of the HS cannon is against such armor, but it would seem to me that it should get close. The frontal armor was 50mm, and enemy tank shells might fail to penetrate beyond 1,000 yards (where's Badger?). We also don't know what shells are default on the HS cannon... AP or HE?

I would vote for flakpanzers, give the grunts a real thrill.  

Totally agree with this. Early war panzers against late,late war planes?
Thoose Germans would for sure put a little ( A lot!)more than 25 mm armor on top after loosing 1000 of tanks to groundstraffin Hogs.

Sometimes AC  gets a little bit like: What if ?   I am longing for a HA arena with a Historic planest.


Crabofix <What happend?...:A stranger morgie turndee burndee ,flip flip flip flip flip flip>
Flygflottlj.19(Lento R5)"swedish Gladiators"

Offline blur

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2000, 11:34:00 AM »
After I posted on the N1K2 vs. panzer above, I managed to attack a panzer in an F4U-1C. Boom! Like shooting fish in a barrel. Perhaps cannon lethality could be looked into.

Offline weazel

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2000, 11:43:00 AM »



[This message has been edited by weazel (edited 05-07-2000).]


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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2000, 12:23:00 PM »
Easymo, go back to the ACA.

Offline CavemanJ

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F4U1c`s *RUIN* the ground war!
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2000, 12:40:00 PM »
Originally posted by Citabria:

mind you I love jabo in my p38L but I do not have a CCIP bomb impact point display. In my mind when I salvo off a pair of 1k bombs on a tank and the tank is in the crater that tank should be a smouldering wreck.

rocket attacks do not affect the panzer either.

I can't really speak for the JABO side of bombs on armor (I suck at dive bombing), but I can speak about rockets.  Been plenty of times I've come screaming down in me P38L and sent 2 well placed rockets into the arse of a panzer and disabled or keeled it.

There've also been plenty of times I've watched a bomb drop in front of me and knock out a track.
There have also been times I've watched bombs drop infront of me and driven into the crater and out of it again.  Maybe you're bombs aren't hitting as close as you think all the time.


The problem isn't with cannon armed birds in general as someone else suggested.  Just the F4U-1C (and Spits sometimes).  Haven't really seen enough typhoons while in a tank, so can't say if they're part of the problem or not.  This could suggest (especially if the tiffies fall into this catagorey also) that there is something funky going on with the hispano armed birds.