Author Topic: Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"  (Read 600 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2004, 07:48:21 AM »
Originally posted by Suave
It wasn't a joke, I meant it literally. I grew up around them. They'll do just about anything to get out of paying taxes, but they have no qualms about enjoying the fruits of others' tax dollars.

I didn't even know there was a "cult" called American constitutionalists....:eek:

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2004, 07:52:53 AM »
Well they call themselves just constitutionalists. But it's the American constitution that the name is refering to.

Offline Pongo

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2004, 01:15:52 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
Still ... now we're back to nations. Capt. Pork was attacking the religion based on its original text ... like I did.

Still there is no semblence of that law still practiced in Isreal or by Jews anywhere.. but the Koran is still the basis for law in many countries. It will be the basis for law in Iraq.

Offline maslo

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2004, 01:26:35 PM »
hehe its wonderfull how many people can determine that muslim are sooo bad and muslim girls are sooo poor w/o any single visit of muslim country
« Last Edit: March 27, 2004, 01:30:05 PM by maslo »

Offline Capt. Pork

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2004, 01:39:04 PM »
Originally posted by maslo
hehe its wonderfull how many people can determine that muslim are sooo bad and muslim girls are sooo poor w/o any single visit of muslim country

I've been to Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Indonesia. Bravo on the assumption though.

Offline straffo

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2004, 03:34:36 PM »
I've been to Morocco,Alegeria and Tunisia they are muslim country but can't be compared to "Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Indonesia"

Btw I think Isreal is a typo ;) I don't think the majority of the Isrealy are muslim ,even if a non-negligeable portion of Isreal population is muslim.

Offline OIO

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2004, 04:12:58 PM »
they are if you count their palestinian and arab populations straffo.

The one BIG difference though, is that Israel nor any of what many of the above debaters would term 'civilized' nations (aka european , N & S american, nations to the right side of india) have their laws, 'constitutions' and military based on RELIGION.

In short, those nations and cultures that have learned to separate religion and state and who have learned to (mostly) tolerate different religions as a SOCIETY.

In comparison, Islam WAS the 'enlightened' religion of its times... in comparison to judaism/christianism in its early stages that is. Remember that Islam was the only religion that preached tolerance (back in crusade and precrusade times) whereas the christians just came in and converted or killed the 'heathens'. Its all in the history books.

Then one day the power of the church was broken, 'western' civilizations drifted farther and farther apart from religion-based governments and laws..fueled perhaps by the industrial revolution (which really didnt impact the  arab world until so, so much later) and the beggining of the Age of Reason. Sadly though,  many Islamic societies are still in the medieval ages and power hungry INDIVIDUALS have kept them that way... for just like with the church, its whoever controls the belief of the massess that wields power over the people and consequently rules them. Taliban Afghanistan, Iran etc etc etc prime examples.

If they began to drop books from them B52's and 'carpet book' the arab world... :D

Offline vorticon

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2004, 04:32:32 PM »
hey at least islam wasnt created by a con man who needed an excuse to have a bunch of wives...

Offline Airhead

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Re: Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2004, 04:58:02 PM »
Originally posted by IK0N
"The [wife-]beating must never be in exaggerated, blind anger, in order to avoid serious harm [to the woman]." He adds, "It is forbidden to beat her on the sensitive parts of her body, such as the face, breast, abdomen, and head. Instead, she should be beaten on the arms and legs," using a "rod that must not be stiff, but slim and lightweight so that no wounds, scars, or bruises are caused." Similarly, "[the blows] must not be hard." [1]


You call THAT a "Beating?" I have rougher foreplay than that. C'mon- who DOESN'T spank their wife?

Offline Capt. Pork

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2004, 05:13:04 PM »
Originally posted by straffo
Btw I think Isreal is a typo ;) I don't think the majority of the Isrealy are muslim ,even if a non-negligeable portion of Isreal population is muslim.

I threw that in there as it is a country that is heavily effected by a muslim presence. I guess by that reasoning I should also include Washington DC in that list... Oh well.

Offline Kweassa

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2004, 05:32:48 PM »
The Shar'iah law is merely an application how a certain sect of Islamic teachers have translated their text.

 In the days of Mahomet, brutality or cruelity towards women, children, and non-Muslims were not allowed.

 In the days between 11th, 12th and 13th century, the fanatic Crusaders have wrecked havoc across the Arabic lands.

 With the downfall of the Arabic rulers and dynasties, a fiercely radical and militaristic Turkish rulers have taken hold of the populace, whom were beginning to question themselves that the lenient and forgiving way of social control the Kur-an states, may not be able to protect them from outside incursions any more.

 Then the society was locked up in an enclosed state of internal dictatorship of the religion.

 The 'Old' Muslims used to have three major concepts when it comes to translating controversial aspects of their religion:

* Ilm - judging and translating the text based on all knowledges accountable to man

* Ijma - A consensus of the society on what sort of translations are acceptable

* Ijtihad - Reasonable analysis and thinking towards the consequence the religion brings

 Compared to what the medieval Europe was like in those days, those three concepts was what made Islam the most forgiving and tolerant religion that was to be seen in the world.

 Unfortunately, with the events I have described in the beginning, all the major concepts of faithj declined, as "Ilm" was limited to "judging and translating the text based on religious knowledge accountable to religious hierarcgy", "Ijma" was stripped down to "A consensus of the religious hierarchy on what sort of translations are acceptable", and "Ijtihad" was all together dismissed.

  In short, with the emergence of the political absolute dictatorship of the Seljuk Mamluks, and then the emergence of ruthless Osman Turks, the religious hierarchy of Imams and Alims set forth upon to the populace their own version of mental dictatorship, which stripped the populace from all rights in regards to religion.

 What the populace was once allowed to talk about, were forbidden. The important debates concerning laws and religion where philosophers and free thinkers took part, were now strictly limited to a handful of previliged, religious hiearchy.

 If one condemns the Islamic faith without taking the history behind it, that's pulling the whole thing outside of context and distorting it. It's like saying the brutal and primitive nature of the medieval European society where they used to burn, cook, drown, and hang people when they "went to court", started massive anti-Judaistic genocides in Germany and Hungary during the Crusades, and then cannibalized Muslims in conquered lands, is what Christianity is really about.

 Of course, I won't condemn the true essentials of the Christian faith based on the facts what the Crusaders themselves did alone, so why should any of you do the same to the Islamic faith?


 Again, the Shar'iah Law, which modern day Islam Governments consider to be the basis of their faith, is basically nothing but a bullshi* scam fad started from Ayatola Homeini. It's not even based upon Kur'an itself.

 Such "Shar'iah Law" never existed in Mahomet's days. The word "Shar'iah" meant something totally different. It meant "a process, set of rules, and important concepts concerning the values of a society to abide by when people must form a law" rather than "law" itself. It was based upon the Kur'an, Sunnah, Ijma and the Quiyas.

 Nowadays, it's not - the Shar'iah Law of modern Middle East, is based upon a handful of radically conservative retro-Islam religious officials. It would be equivalent to something like the Neo-Nazis making a constitution of their own, and saying that's what the "New Democracy" should be - oppressing other races, taking away freedoms, and ruling the populace under terror.
 Now, if someone encounters the Neo-Nazi version of the constitution, would he go say that's what Democracy is? A backward political belief?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2004, 05:46:29 PM by Kweassa »

Offline beet1e

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Re: Re: Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2004, 06:06:06 PM »
Originally posted by Airhead
You call THAT a "Beating?" I have rougher foreplay than that. C'mon- who DOESN'T spank their wife?
Poor Stephanie :(

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Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2004, 07:48:49 PM »
Beatle, in Texas it's still legal to spank miscriant employees, provided you've given them two repremands,  spank them only on the derriere and use nothing larger than a ping pong paddle.

In fact there was a rumor concerning a well known Internet gaming company (which shall remain nameless, as I like posting on their boards) where spanking was quite common.

Personally I can relate to the humiliation of that type of punishment- I've always suffered from bladder control problems and have had to wear a diaper my entire life. Until my mid 20s, and the discovery of Depends, I always wore cloth diapers and rubber pants, along with tennis shoes and a t-shirt. I have felt the pain of the humiliated.

Offline AKIron

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Re: Re: Religion of peace or "How to beat your wife"
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2004, 10:23:41 PM »
Originally posted by Airhead
You call THAT a "Beating?" I have rougher foreplay than that. C'mon- who DOESN'T spank their wife?

I playfully swatted my wife once over 20 years ago, haven't made that mistake since.
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