Ugh. A phrase cooked up by someone and used by the media to label people as nonPC and thus bring ridicule, etc upon them. Many seem to now associate nonPC with rednecks etc....
IMHO PC is far too much like Komrade you will do and think our way or else stuff, far too much like socializm or communist propaganda, or some dictater telling me what to do and think.
PC IMHO has nothing to do with politness. PC is more of a control and create an environment of social fear thing.
Remember reading something about mostly YOUNG PEOPLE seeming to think that please, and thank you, and sir or madam etc... were just mouthing tripe, but the writer felt that to ignore such niceties when dealing with society (others) was like throwing sand into delicate machinery that did not work very well at it's best. And so was very foolish. And there was a time when someone using such terms and phrases could expect a physically violent reaction all over their prettythang. And many would stand by and watch and smile thinking the whole time this person had justly earned what they were recieving.
I try to always be polite to everyone, at least until they show me they have no intention of being polite towards me. Even then I try to use care with what I say and still be somewhat polite in a rather cold and ... well. But I have no intention of being PC, further I don't want to be PC, and finally I'm very proud of not being PC!
It is sad and regretable that so many feel safe in saying such words now. But the law suites and all that comes with physical reactions anymore are not to be laughed at.
I've often thought some smart attorney would come up with an argument that the person that reacted with physical violence was just excerzising his 1st amendment right to free speach/freedom of expresion in a physical way or somethin like that. Hey there is nothing anywhere in the constitution that relieves any of us for the responsiblity for our actions, words or deeds that I could find. Further there used to be an argument that everyone/anyone had a breaking point and did not have to put up with certain things. Some of the poli's have inserted stuff that virtually gives them a get outa jail free card though
oh well