Incidently,did any of you catch the Consumers Reports article on engine oil a couple years ago?
It was really great, they took 30? NYC taxi's (you and I both know NYC taxi drivers are probably much worse drivers we are) and tore the engines down and rebuilt them. Then they miked all the wear spots on the parts before reassembly.
They put a couple on every major mfgr's oil, several on synthetics and some on additive's like slick 50 and such.
CR changed the oil at the recommended intervals, making sure that all vehicles received the correct oil that had been assigned to it and that they topped it off with the same stuff between changes. Seems like they even had a coulple that didn't receive regular interval oil changes.
After 30 -50K miles (can't remember exactly) they tore all the engines down and miked them again for wear to compare the original readings.
Bottom line no difference at all. CR said buy an oil rated for gas engines and get the right viscosity, change it according to your manual. But buy whatever is on sale because it doesn't matter the oil isn't broken down at the recommended interval. It especially doesn't matter if you buy a vehicle and then trade it when it gets 60-70K miles on it.