Author Topic: new 109...  (Read 144 times)

Offline Hristo

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new 109...
« on: December 29, 1999, 06:43:00 PM »
..does not bounce as it did before. Yes, it gets rough in dives, but overall it is much finer plane now. Thanks, HTC !

BTW, it's WEP is interesting. Lot more power than on 100%, but much more torgue. The plane has some temper now  

Offline dolomite

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new 109...
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 1999, 10:18:00 PM »
Hey, took it up one sortie tonight.

I found 3 mustangs, 2 in flight and a solo about 5.0 away...

I was a little higher than the pair, so they turned away. No problem, a little WEP and shallow dive took care of that. The first one I killed outright. He tried a zoom climb, hoping I would overshoot. I didn't. 1/4 roll and pull back on the stick a touch, and the second stang is in front of me for a snapshot. Got his glycol (dont'cha love smoke?) and he rolled away. Of course this left the third, so as I reversed, he was right there. Snapshot and his oil is punctured. Both flee to the waiting pirahna pit below. I climb away looking for more stangs.

Hadn't long to wait. Along comes a stang co-E. I had only loaded the 20mm and 7.9's, so I didn't want HO. I bury the nose for speed and tried a loop. He continued on in a low-G climb/extend... ah, someone that knew his stuff! brought the 109 around on his 6 at about 3.0 (didn't want to blow my E in the reverse) and begin the chase. I'm low on fuel, but what the heck, this guy might be greedy.

His numbers begin rolling back, and it looks like we're on. I've gained a little E on him since the turn, and this time he goes low. I pull high before the merge and dare him to follow. Then, the unthinkable- my sputtering engine tells me the fuel is gone! This is baaaad... don't panic, think, THINK! maybe he will leave the door open... I roll into him and do the only thing possible, try to catch him in a snapshot. He starts a vertical scissors, trying for an overshoot. If only he knew! We descend, me nipping at his heels, hoping beyond hope he doesn't climb away. My ammo is low, I don't care, keep spraying, keep him close, make him feel it...

We roll out on the deck (we had started around 20K!) and he barely averts a stall, rolls upright and starts to run. Too late. I blow the last rounds into his tail, and down he goes. I immediately drop gear and flaps and set down right on top of his dead body because I am completely out of alt and speed.

Well! As you can guess that flight was a keeper. A hearty two thumbs up from a born-again 109 pilot. Look out stangs!

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #2 on: December 29, 1999, 10:37:00 PM »
Did you film it?

If so, would love to see it.

Offline Fishu

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new 109...
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 1999, 12:07:00 AM »
Dolomote: where is there 7.9mm gun with cannon?

Offline dolomite

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« Reply #4 on: December 30, 1999, 12:14:00 AM »
I sure do... all 2 hours of it! The 109 fight is at the very end... still want it?

Offline dolomite

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« Reply #5 on: December 30, 1999, 12:16:00 AM »
Sorry Fishu, I mean the MG131's and the 20mm...


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new 109...
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 1999, 06:37:00 PM »
Wow, not only are you guys good pilots
but good story tellers too!!

Hmmm my stories always seem to end in,

" I desperately search for the rip-cord "

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #7 on: December 30, 1999, 07:19:00 PM »
Hristo: this will make your happyness go down, sorry, but Bf109 climbs slower now.

Offline Hristo

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new 109...
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 1999, 01:26:00 AM »
Yep, I noticed. WEP can pull me out of tough situation, but at 100% power - hmmm.