Author Topic: Beta 23  (Read 1984 times)

Offline Pyro

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Beta 23
« on: April 14, 2004, 03:48:48 PM »
Beta 23 is now available for download.

Full version:

Update from 22:

Aces High II Version 1.9923 Open Beta

NOTE:  This beta version requires DirectX 9.  If you are using an older version of
DirectX, you will need to upgrade.  Go to to update.

Enabled PT Boat.

LVT's should now work on both land and water.

Added engine setting information in the E6B clipboard option for those planes that have their fuel models finished.

Completed fuel consumption models for a number of additional aircraft.

Upgraded all vehicles to hi-res textures.  A big thanks to Waffle for excellent work in making the conversions.

Fixed the remaining shadow bugs on various planes.

Updated the look of the clouds.

Fixed the copilot airspeed indicator in the C-47.

Spitfire's right gear now disappears when destroyed.

Fixed the rotation of the boost gauge on the Tempest.

Wingtip now disappears when wing is destroyed on the Tempest.

Landing gear no longer sticks through the wing of the Typhoon and Tempest when retracted.

Reworked 262 slats.  Added slats on the remaining 109 and La-7.

262 engine turbines now spin.

Rebuilt 109G-6 shape and reskinned plane.

Updated 109G-2 and 109F-4 shapes.

Fixed a bug on the 109s that caused icons to flicker.

Left tire of the B-17 spins now.

Fixed multiple clipboard sorting bugs.

Shadow on the carrier should now display correctly.

Weapons should now should on top of carts in the hangar.

Bomber drones now load the same skin as the lead plane.

Rocket smoke is no longer dark.

Vehicles should orientate correctly at long ranges.

You now hear a hit sound in your vehicle for shots that ricocheted off your armor.

Hit sprites on armored vehicles now display only when damage is taken rather than when any armor is penetrated such as the anti-HEAT skirt on the Panzer IV.

You can no longer move the clipboard off the screen in the hangar.

AH2 will now minimize if you are running Zone Alarms and it queries you.

5" guns no longer rapid fire.