I've watched several wildlife series by folks like Steve Irwin, Liz Dalton, David Attenborough. The series "Deadly Australians" dealt with spiders and snakes. As I recall, the most dangerous spider was not the funnelweb but the Red Back. This does not necessarily mean that it is more venomous. Also taken into account was the creature's habitat. The Red Back spider likes to live near people - in the cracks between bricks in your garage for example. I don't know where the funnel web spider lives.
Same thing goes for snakes. The most poisonous snake in the world is the Fierce snake, but it lives in the NT desert (near Ayer's Rock?) - an area where few people are to be found.
But the most dangerous snake in Australia is the Brown snake. It is the second most poisonous snake in the world, and its habitat is suburbia! In the grass next to your kid's swing, or feeding off mice in the crawl space under your house. I've never been to OZ, but they tell me that when someone gets bitten by a snake over there, the Brown snake is the usual suspect. It's a bad tempered mofo to boot, and is not to be messed with.