Jester and Shane are both right in different aspects.
Jester is right that he should be able to start/join as many squads as he wants. I for one am glad he and JG54 took up the mantle of the fulltime Axis squad, we need them, and I enjoy flying with JG54.
Shane is right in respect to the CT being as small as it is, is hurt by undefended base milking. Many times, just out of curiosity, I have popped into the CT late at night and found 4-6 guys on one side milking factories and taking undefended bases. This is pathetic and lame. If you want to bomb undefended bases stay offline. The whole point of a MMOL game is outwhiting the HUMAN[/i] opponent on the other side.
Having said all that, Shane, though he doesnt bother me in the least, can be....uh, how do I put this...caustic, at times. Folks new to the online environment (and some vets too) get very upset over it. I find Shane entertaining most of the time, he's got some really good one-liners, and when I dont find him entertaining I just stop paying attention.