Author Topic: rotating perk values  (Read 308 times)

Offline fabkebab

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rotating perk values
« on: April 22, 2004, 05:33:12 PM »
I have a suggestion which might satisfy the "I only fly spit 9 " crowd, and satisfy the "I wish we had a rotating plane set" guys -

How about you alter which planes are perked from tour to tour, so that you sort-of  model the early days of the war or the late days of the war. Perhaps you could even progress the perk values througout the tour, such that you simulate the entire war in a single tour?

Here is my suggestion:
You start with all the really early warbirds being unperked, but all the later planes having higher perk values depending on how advanced they are-

for example at the start, you would have 109F, Spit1 and Ju87 all free, a small perk cost (say 20) for p51b, spit5, fw190, and a large perk value (say 50-100) for spit9, p51b etc.

Later on (either at the start of a tour or after a couple of days) you reduce the perk values of all the planes, meaning that some of the low cost planes are no longer perked, expanding the "free" planeset but still charging a small perk fee for the later warbirds.

At the end of the cycle you would end up with what we have now, perhaps even with the tempest etc. unperked?

Please dont flame me as badly as you did over my HO suggestion! I just thought this was another suggestion worthy of the aces high (and mighty) community?

Offline Batz

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rotating perk values
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2004, 05:38:27 PM »
Do a search, its been discussed many times.

Offline fabkebab

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rotating perk values
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2004, 05:58:09 PM »
you are right -


Ok, my solution for the non-problem of 'diversity'

post is a darned good one - perhaps even better than my idea.

Offline Rasker

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rotating perk values
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2004, 09:09:48 PM »
how about rejiggering perk values for each camp based on kill rat's for previous camp?  Create kind of a market feedback mechanism?