Author Topic: My suggestion to fix AH  (Read 1533 times)

Offline artik

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2004, 06:03:50 AM »
If you want historical accuracy go to CT!!!!

That is the place.

There allways will be players that just want to have a furball and do not care of rest.

Others that ready to fly for couple of ours at SEA for short fight of 2 -3min where they have good chances to be shot down and finish the event - but they go for it becuse it is more interesting to play historical role and fly together.

Unfortunatly most of players flying MA they are new pilots without good flight experience and they do not care of historical battles....

That what we have to live with it. When ToD will come it will be better for some pilots. But I still think that most of players will spend their time at MA.

For now you have CT for instant action and SEA for events.
Artik, 101 "Red" Squadron, Israel

Offline Jackal1

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Re: ozkansas
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2004, 08:14:52 AM »
Originally posted by PsyKhoo
Ozkansas is about as geographically correct as a 2-year old's mudmap of the world.  there's a lot more ocean in the pacific than is portrayed, as well as the fact that a large portion of the map appears to actually be the indian ocean.

  Yea, but the UFOs, Wicked Witch Of The West and Toto are all scaled properly. :D
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Offline Ghosth

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2004, 08:22:31 AM »
I'm with curly, I'm not sure its busted.

Wildthing, estes, ty very much sirs.  supprising how much an occiasional TY is appreciated.

Morpheus, agree completely, took me almost 5 months to start getting the basics. Same guy flew with me 4, 5 times a week for an hour or 2 at a time.

Thats why I'm a trainer.
I'm still paying off that debt.  :)

Offline Adogg

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2004, 08:35:47 AM »
Originally posted by artik
If you want historical accuracy go to CT!!!!

That is the place.

I blow. I'm the first to admit it. I'm learning ACM but it's slow. BUT I do find the CT is the place for the history of the birds to come into play.

I had the joy of discovering that in the right context flying a ME 109 was a blast, especially if pitted against a P51 over the french coast. This couldn't have been done in the MA.

Maybe I'm a purist but I like it when the fighters match up historically none of the Spit-on-Spit stuff - the MA is fun but the CT is the place for context. And feels more authentic.

AH isn't broke I just think some of the players haven't realized that it's time to move on or take a break.

Offline Killjoy2

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2004, 10:53:55 AM »
The focus here is:  How can HTC and veterans promote interest and respect for these great planes and battles.

The CT is full of historical matchups but empty of pilots.  The CT is not where the solution is.  However, if we foster interest in the planes and matchups we should get more in the CT.  This is the point, use the Main to educate and excite the "New Wave" TM of players and all of the arenas will proper.

1) OzKansas is the best example of what I'm suggesting.  It's built to be playable but still has historical parts.  Lets promote the historical with plane matchups at certain fields.  Use the map pulldown for historical info on just 2 islands and just 2 planes.

2) Morpheous' story reminded me of Deft.  I loved WB's but when he took me on a fighter sweep to show me how its done, the game was never the same.  Personal and squad mentoring is a great device.  Perhaps individuals and squads could make a point of included a new person on a fighter sweep or attack mission to show how and why its done instead of just furballing.

HTC could step up to this problem and try the simple things that don't require new programing, just a few pulldowns for the map board and plane setups.

This discussion is for the most part helpful.  for those who say the CT and Special Events are enough I  have to point out that the low numbers.  If we "fix" it we have to look to the Main.

Offline hitech

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2004, 11:03:22 AM »
The focus here is: How can HTC and veterans promote interest and respect for these great planes and battles.

You just assume that this is a valid goal. Then you give ways to do this. But I'm not so sure that your focus should realy be one of HTC's goals.


Offline Killjoy2

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2004, 11:06:11 AM »
I forgot a big salute to the training crew.  These guys are heros.

Offline Maniac

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2004, 11:16:53 AM »
I concider myself very lucky in that he offered to take me and start from scratch and teach me all about ACM. Weeks after weeks and I would say about 2 hours a night nearly every night he took his time to show me the ropes and not hold back an ounce of knowledge... I still and in debt to him for what he did and he knows how thankful I am for his time.

So you are a Jedi now?
Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline Citabria

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2004, 11:23:30 AM »
no hes a sith apprentice like darth maul
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline LePaul

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2004, 11:39:42 AM »
Ah, so he flies Spits, right?

Offline Skyfoxx

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2004, 12:10:14 PM »
Originally posted by Killjoy2
HTC could step up to this problem and try the simple things that don't require new programing, just a few pulldowns for the map board and plane setups.
This discussion is for the most part helpful.  for those who say the CT and Special Events are enough I  have to point out that the low numbers.  If we "fix" it we have to look to the Main.

Let's be truthful now, the blame isn't with HTC, it's with the players who will not support the events with there attendance, then turn right around and complain about the numbers. It's easy to complain on the sidelines.
If players are serious about flying missions with a more historical flavor, there are plenty of options, none perfect but still plenty of options.

Let's start with the events. By far the the most populated weekly event is Friday Squad Ops. While open to only registered squads, it continues to draw a crowd each friday night with numbers normally well above the 100 mark and often closer to 200. It's very simple to join, just find a registered squad.

On Saturday's the CAP team takes center stage with the weeks installment of CAP- The Great Campaign. While it's true that numbers have been disappointing lately, the fact remains, it is there for any and all pilots to fly. Many simply choose to ignore it, complain about low numbers and get pissed off because they foolishly loose their plane in the first 5 min of a spawn window. I guess it is hard to shed the "kill at all cost mentality". :rolleyes:

On Sunday we have Sunday Squad Ops, an event just like Friday Squad Ops. Again open to registered squads and based on a historical scenario.

On Wednesday nights we have Snapshots. A somewhat less formal event, (also based on a historical setup) that continues to enjoy a degree of success, mainly due in part to the dedicated players who show up week after week even if it is not their favorite plane or setup.

Aside from events we have the CT, which for some reason many think is a wasteland. CT enjoys a thriving community and you can find a fight there just about any weeknight during the US evening hours. Sure if you log in during off hours, it will be dead except for a few milkrunners.  Numbers vary by time and setups, but I can assure you that you don't need the numbers of the MA to have a good time in the CT.

So there we have 4 weekly events that strive for some degree of historical relevance and accuracy plus the CT.
I spent several years in WB's also before AH. Like here in AH, I flew mainly events there. Overall I would say the events are pretty comparable.

The bottom line imho is that most players are looking for the quick kill, hence the MA's popularity, not saying there is anything wrong with that. Many don't want to take the time to fly an event with rules or where they are not guaranteed a furball or kill within 5 mins after takeoff.

I submit to you that AH is indeed not broken, it's many of the players that are broken. The events are there every week, without fail.
If increased numbers in historical type setups is what you want, it will take the help of players like yourself supporting the events and getting other players involved. HTC and the event CM's can only do so much.  
The old saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" comes to mind.

"Consider your own fortunes gentlemen the deepest circle of hell is reserved for traitors and mutineers."

Offline vorticon

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2004, 12:27:27 PM »
if its not broken dont try fix it...what is broken is the community not the game.

Offline Killjoy2

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2004, 12:37:06 PM »
No slight to the Events and Historical Arena.  They are first rate.

But they have problems attracting numbers.  If you want to interest players in the historical you have to go into the Main and work there.  Thats where people are.

We typically say "Most people just want a quick fight and a furball and thats what the Main is for."  

It's true, unless we show something different.  The quick fight and furball is like using sex and violence to get your attention in advertising.  It works, but is isn't healthy, doesn't promote loyalty and in the long run doesn't sell product.  I know that's harsh words for some of you perverts, but marketing for the long run uses a whole different set of values.  Don't expect to see Ana Nicole as a spokesman for Walmart.

"Sex and Violence" (fast fight and furball) is/will get old in the Main.  We should use quick gratification of the Main to foster a deeper appreciation of the planes, matchups and battles.

Or... we might consider going with the crowd and offering "special" mods to planes like a 50 cal cannon on a spit.  Thats what they do in Quake.

Offline LtPillur

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2004, 12:43:52 PM »
I think there are 2 types of people in this area. Those that look at this as a simulator and those that look at it as a game. I learned to fly from WW2 vets. I have been turned on by these aircraft since my dad took me to my first airshow as a wee lad. I like the historical perspective and the challange of staying alive (I die a lot!). For others its fast and kill. It's a game. Maybe not even a statregic one. I doubt you'll convert one to the other in either direction.

Offline Jackal1

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2004, 08:04:22 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
You just assume that this is a valid goal. Then you give ways to do this. But I'm not so sure that your focus should realy be one of HTC's goals.


  He shoots! He scores! The crowd goes wild. 2 points for the home team! :D
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.