Author Topic: My suggestion to fix AH  (Read 1534 times)

Offline Killjoy2

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My suggestion to fix AH
« on: April 26, 2004, 05:48:05 PM »
The problem:

The "old" Aces High had a community of players who love WWII planes and everything about them.  The "new" Aces High seems to lack this component.  Generally speaking, the new player is a product of the X-box rather than the history book.  I know I studied WWII planes and battles like a fiend just to fit in when I started in WBs.  We sometimes met up at air shows too.  It's still the glue that holds the Flying Zoo together.  (there are also rivets, screws and gray tape holding us together)  

The suggestion:

Do more to promote the historical aspect of the planes, matchups and battles for the new players.  (The old players will eat it up too)  I know we have Special Events, but for some reason they are not well attended.  I think the reason is lack of appreciation for the historical aspect of the game.

1) I love OzKansas for the historical islands. I wish we had links to tell us about the history of the battles fought on the individual islands.

2) Maybe spotlight a historical matchup between 2 islands in OzKansas?  Be sure to educate about the relative strenth and weakness of the planes.  The opportunites to grow Special Events can be created in the Main.  Kind of a "Special Event Light" TM.

3) Create a spec sheet for the map pull down with fighting hints and links for a couple of spotlighted planes.  Say a Zero and an Wildcat.  "Collect the whole set!"

4) Create a Historical battle center like tank town but you can't destroy the base.  It wouldn't count in a reset.  We have furball island, why not historical furball island?  Or Scenario Furball island?

5) I miss the medals.  Maybe medals for success on Historical Furball Island.  Put a little medal icon next to the name (or squad) on the roster.  Anybody remember the Order of the Barney or Kermit medals?  I can see the "Order of the Ram" and "Knights of the Fleece"  but I digress.

If you want to see more variety in the planes flown we will have to do some teaching and make it fun to learn.  With HTC help maybe we can create the old community.  The answer is in the Main Arena.  Thats where the players are and thats where we have to make it work.  

Any ideas?

Offline lasersailor184

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2004, 06:12:04 PM »
Or you could just give a written test to get into AH...
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Offline oboe

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2004, 06:33:36 PM »
You've got some neat ideas there, killjoy.   Medals I think are coming in TOD.

Offline Killjoy2

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2004, 06:54:11 PM »
Test is a good idea.

1) Whats the air speed velocity of a sparrow?

Oh wait... this could just get silly.

Offline RTR

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2004, 08:01:01 PM »
Do you mean a fully laden swallow?
Indicated or true?
The Damned

Offline DrDea

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2004, 09:33:22 PM »
Whatever do you mean?African or Europian?
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline Morpheus

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2004, 11:05:11 PM »
hmmm Fix Aces High...

Well I dont know as if it can be "fixed" in ragards to what you talked about.

There will always be those who want to improve ACM, put up a good fight and give it their best shot win or lose...

I ask myself a lot lately... "why are these people or person playing the game?" These are those same people who I watch climb to 20K only to drop a single egg from a G10 into a fuel tank or Barracks.

A while back I met this dude named Nomak. He kicked my arse so bad in the DA I was tending to the bruises for weeks to come. Not to mention my bruised ego... I concider myself very lucky in that he offered to take me and start from scratch and teach me all about ACM. Weeks after weeks and I would say about 2 hours a night nearly every night he took his time to show me the ropes and not hold back an ounce of knowledge... I still and in debt to him for what he did and he knows how thankful I am for his time.

The moral of this small but important story is this. Many do not know the feeling of a good fight. I mean a flying by the seat of your pants in your home fights... The ones that when your done your palms are soaked with sweat and your heart rate is up... Dam what a rush fight... Win or lose... It seems that many lately arent interested in training other new comers such as Nomak took his time with me. I think many dont fight, or fly and suicide because that's all they know.

Maybe if the "vets" would hand down the knowledge and take some time to help for just even a few minutes here and there... The game would be much more enjoyable for everyone.

This really only covers one side of Aces High. There are many things to do and learn about in this game which is why after so long I still continue to play the game. Bombers, GVs, you name it...

Thats just my 2 cents... Take it for what its worth if anything at all.
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Offline WldThing

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2004, 11:17:39 PM »
Originally posted by MoRphEuS
Maybe if the "vets" would hand down the knowledge and take some time to help for just even a few minutes here and there... The game would be much more enjoyable for everyone.


Should mention that "SOME" vets do that already,  provide countless information to the rookies that come to play the game,  spend hours in the DA or the TA.  Take away from ones play time to help out another.  Answer questions via the BBS or in the game,  i get countless Private Messages asking me where my Gun Convergences are,  how long they should wait before firing,  etc.....

Shouldnt leave out the folks that ALREADY do help,  mentioning just the word "SOME" makes it somewhat rewarding.

And those that dont get mentioned such as THE WHOLE AH TRAINING CREW,  Kweassa,  TC,  humble, Shane,  RTR,  Kanth,  and of course Widewing..  Those are only a few of many that help whether its answering one question or countless questions.  Over and over.  

Dont forget those folks that DO help.

Offline Estes

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2004, 11:19:51 PM »
Yup, throughout my AH time, GhostH has helped me countless times, VAQ has helped me. And of course Bigmax, and all the ASSASSINS.. I learned a WHOLE lot from Hblair and crew.

Offline PsyKhoo

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« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2004, 11:36:14 PM »

i believe you quoted

"1) I love OzKansas for the historical islands. I wish we had links to tell us about the history of the battles fought on the individual islands. "

i'm from australia, and while i agree it would be a good idea, Ozkansas is about as geographically correct as a 2-year old's mudmap of the world.  there's a lot more ocean in the pacific than is portrayed, as well as the fact that a large portion of the map appears to actually be the indian ocean.

my 2 bytes
in any case i like the overall concept anyhow :)

Offline Roscoroo

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Re: ozkansas
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2004, 12:22:57 AM »
Originally posted by PsyKhoo

i believe you quoted

"1) I love OzKansas for the historical islands. I wish we had links to tell us about the history of the battles fought on the individual islands. "

i'm from australia, and while i agree it would be a good idea, Ozkansas is about as geographically correct as a 2-year old's mudmap of the world.  there's a lot more ocean in the pacific than is portrayed, as well as the fact that a large portion of the map appears to actually be the indian ocean.

my 2 bytes
in any case i like the overall concept anyhow :)

I guess you'll be the only one that wants to fly for 12 hours just to get shot down :D
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
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Offline PsyKhoo

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2004, 12:52:21 AM »
not exactly, but its a little hard to provide hisorical information about islands that dont exist is all.  which raises a good point.
that generally a historically/geographically map probably wouldn't
go far due to the fact that in the MA there is a demand for quick unadultered killing as opposed to historical "12 hour boredom"

Offline Citabria

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Re: ozkansas
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2004, 04:54:32 AM »
Originally posted by PsyKhoo

i believe you quoted

"1) I love OzKansas for the historical islands. I wish we had links to tell us about the history of the battles fought on the individual islands. "

i'm from australia, and while i agree it would be a good idea, Ozkansas is about as geographically correct as a 2-year old's mudmap of the world.  there's a lot more ocean in the pacific than is portrayed, as well as the fact that a large portion of the map appears to actually be the indian ocean.

my 2 bytes
in any case i like the overall concept anyhow :)

the islands and continents are historic but they are rearanged rescaled and repositioned to allow players to fly short distances to get to them.

i can easily build them to scale. and the level of awful gameplay in that scale arena would empty the main arena in 30 minutes and it would stay empty for the duration the map was up
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Offline DrDea

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2004, 05:43:12 AM »
The quick easy solution to this "Jump in the game guns ablazing no time to get some training" problem was covered in Air Warrior very simply.It was called relaxed realism.Those that didnt want the full blown realism had an option.In AH they dont have that easy mode choice and therefore the only way to make what they concider a notable impact is the pork mode.I think an RR arena would go a long way twordes cleaning up some of the mess the MA has turned into.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline AKcurly

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My suggestion to fix AH
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2004, 05:57:00 AM »
Fix?  It isn't broken unless you count SOB's 3 legged sheep.
