Author Topic: V1 Scenario idea  (Read 952 times)

Offline Chairboy

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V1 Scenario idea
« on: May 03, 2004, 12:31:22 PM »
(modified repost from an AHII board)

V1 Scenario
Needed: Custom map, V1 pilot volunteers
Summary: Simulate a V1 attack/interdiction using the existing game engine.

Map needs
1. Represent a portion of England, German territory, and the Channel.
2. Visually show one or two 'alleys' where V1s can be expected, as well as some general 'zones' where you expect V1s to be launched from.  If the launch sites can be hidden airfields, then do that.  If not, then put as many airfields as possible there so the real launch sites are masked.

The teams
The Allied forces will need to organize a proper ratio of:
1. V1 interceptor planes
2. Bombers (to attack launch sites)
3. Bomber escorts (to engage German defenses)

The Axis forces would be:
1. Defense fighters assigned to keep bombers away from V1 'launch sites'.
2. Volunteer V1 pilots.  (More on this in a minute)

V1 Simulation
The V1 Doodlebugs would be simulated by Axis pilots flying Me-262s.  They would fly under the following constraints:
1. Take off from airfield and immediately turn towards a 'target zone' as designated on the map.
2. Get to defined V1 altitude and set level autopilot.
3. Don't maneuver or fire weapons.
4. When in target zone, Kamikaze into the ground.
5. The V1s would all spawn at the beginning and taxis appropriately over the launcher base.  This would give the bombers legit targets to hit that could be measured.
6. The V1s launch at set intervals over the period of an hour or so to simulate a barrage w/ finite launch rails.

The Scenario
The scenario begins with both sides launching air cover (Germany to defend the launch sites and England to intercept V1s).  The English team must also strategically determine how many of their pilots to assign to bombing duty to attack the launch sites.  This way, you have people performing spotter roles for the bombers, scouting Germany for V1 launch sites, and you also have bombers trucking in behind them, ready to take the targetting data (eg, "V1 site at 12,5,1, three launchers visible, four cons visible!").  You also have some escort fighters assigned to the bombers to engage the German defense.

Over the channel, you have a bunch of altitude monkeys that have to coordinate amongst themselves who will orbit and who will swoop down to try and get enough speed to intercept a detected V1.  The final score would be a calculation based on the number of V1s that make it to target zones without being shot down.

The actual gameplay for the V1 pilots would be kinda boring, unless they are patient types like me that get a thrill out of being chased by angry english hornets.

It would be a new type of scenario that could offer something to many different types of players, and uses existing game technology.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Offline jordi

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V1 Scenario idea
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2004, 01:09:20 PM »
Interesting concept.

Not sure if it would fit a true SCENARIO - but maybe a snapshot ?
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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