Author Topic: A Salute to Dzdjap and MrAnza  (Read 533 times)

Offline Jekyll

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A Salute to Dzdjap and MrAnza
« on: January 31, 2000, 04:25:00 AM »
I've been flying Aces High since the very first day of the open beta, but last night I had two of the very best fights I've ever experienced in all my days of AH, Warbirds and Air Warrior.

First hop I approached F9 in my stang only to find a high N1K2 bearing in on me.  A wonderful, white-knuckle fight ensued which was fought almost exclusively in the vertical, with advantage trading places continually.  He'd bounce, I'd force the overshoot and he'd zoom out of my reach.  This continued for about 5 minutes with both aircraft clawing for every foot of altitude and every knot of airspeed.  A simply wonderful fight, and a reminder not to go anywhere near Dzdjap in his N1K2  

But the next fight was quite possibly the most terrifying I've ever experienced.  Down in the canyons near F6 I was closing on a 109.  He broke, forcing the overshoot, and reversed quickly on me.  A series of rolling scissors neutralised his advantage, and I had just enough airspeed to go vertical on him and reverse.  Another bounce, another hard break by the 109, another perfect set of rolling scissors and we're back to square one.  This continued for about 10 minutes, by which time I was cursing all things Messerschmidt    

One of those fights where you just know that there will be no escape:  either you kill him or he will undoubtedly kill you... there's simply no other alternative, and a wonderful tribute to MrAnza's skill in the 109.

It's these kinds of fights which will have me flying Aces High long after the free period ends.

C.O. Phoenix Squadron
'feel the heat .......'

Offline MrAnza

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A Salute to Dzdjap and MrAnza
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2000, 06:18:00 AM »
Well, thank you Jekyll. It was an interesting fight indeed. I've been trying to learn those scissors for a while now. There was a bit of luck in my scissors too, sometimes i got shot down in first turn ;(

At one point you were in front of me, but i missed the shot. Then you pulled up and i couldn't follow because of my really low E. You got my oils (maybe a flap or something else too), i kept turning till the engine stopped. Then tried to ditch (you would have let me) but my 109 exploded when belly touched ground in 100mph+ in really low descent  

You should sometimes attack a capable 109 pilot like Hristo, who has teached me a few lessons. He's got some nice films. In that case the outcome of the fight might be different  

I salute you too,
