Author Topic: 1st Dutch victim in Iraq  (Read 120 times)

Offline BUG_EAF322

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1st Dutch victim in Iraq
« on: May 11, 2004, 08:09:06 AM »
A 36 years old sergeant of the "limburgse Jagers" An army soldier.
Some iraq guys on a scooter threw some handgrenades.

Until now we where very lucky I guess more will follow.
Since the war has started it has got to be finished .

But some british and us fkups really didn't help making the the atmosphere better.

Like those photographs that came into public. These are great items to be used by the nme.

There are 1300 dutch troops over there until now their behaviour is good i hope it will stay.

Stupid behaviour began at the zoo where some drunk troops shot a tiger.

Aren't there any guidelines?  Because u can only win a war by winning peoples hearts.
