Originally posted by Slot
I'm Glad that you held your smart bellybutton remarks.. Thanks.
As for what I have done and not done to resolve this problem, maybe I've allread sent error reports (which Have done btw)? I already installed the older drivers for my vid card as per AH's suggested fix. Maybe I don't ask you ( or others like you for ) for help because when I asked before I was told ALT-F4 was the answer. I seen a post that says that it's a problem with the AMD processor that causes this problem too. So, do not assume I have done nothing to try to fix this problem. I do think that it is odd that so many people have this problem. So, if you don't like my post i feel sorry for you. Futher, if you represent the company offically in any manor. I feel sorry for them.
Slot, first off.
Star was not being a Smart Ass, Just smart. If you've spent any time on these boards or any time at all in the Tech Support forum you would have seen that his advice is very good. He does know what he's talking about. As an I.T. Professonal, believe me I don't hand that compliment out very often.
Second, It is NOT an bug in the program. If you search this board you will find that everyone who has experienced this and had it corrected found that it was an issue with their PC not the game coad(<-- and if you've read this board you'd get that reference also)
No one assumed you have not done anything other than post in the wrong forum replying to a very old post. Seeing as you start out the conversation with a threat to close your account what are we to ASSUME about you?
No he does not represent "the company", nor do I or the many other people on this BBS who will offer some very quality advice on a wide veriety of subjects relating to AH.
You can feel sorry for HTC all you want but as someone who has to deal with software companies on a daily basis I can tell you that AH is one fine piece of COAD backup by one fine group of people who care about their customers and fix real bugs quickly and effectively. I only wish the companies I have to deal with were 1/10th as good as HT and his staff.
So lighten up, post in the proper forum and accept the help of people who just might know a bit more about this situation than you do. Or close your account and go away. Makes no difference to me.