The problem with most of the US naval aircraft is that they will only take an all dark blue scheme. Limitations like the tailplane texture doing double duty for both the top and bottom of the tail tend to rule out FAA disruptive as well as 2 or 3 tone pre '44 USN schemes.
I think this partly done to improve the skins' detail, if you have less bits shown on the skin you can make the remaining bits bigger. However I also get the feeling there is some sort of polygon/texture rationing going on. For instance the area used for the underside of the tail on the F4U-1 skin is left blank on the other hawgs, the space isn't used to add extra detail.
Currently the F6F, the F4Us (except for the F4U-1) and the TBM are all effectively restricted this way. Personally I like to do at least one scheme per skin that is as different from the default art as possible and preferably a FAA variant. The F4Fs are a bit more versatile in this regard, so provided I don't find any hidden bugs or limitations in them they will probably be my next projects.
If and when any of the current naval aircraft get upgraded I'll take another look at them. The F4Us are certain to be redone IMO, talk about a bugfest! So I'll probably have to redo my existing skins.