Author Topic: Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'  (Read 2476 times)

Offline SoulzofAW3

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #60 on: May 23, 2004, 02:02:55 PM »
I'm a lot of fun....I'm just not amused by silly sh_t

Carry on..........

Offline stiehl

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #61 on: May 23, 2004, 02:16:27 PM »
High and mighty from someone that claims to know "how most black people feel". Didn't know that you were correspondence with "most black people" in America, or is that worldwide? Rap guys don't represent the majority of black people but you do??

Carry on..........

Offline SoulzofAW3

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #62 on: May 23, 2004, 02:23:57 PM »
Originally posted by stiehl
High and mighty from someone that claims to know "how most black people feel". Didn't know that you were correspondence with "most black people" in America, or is that worldwide? Rap guys don't represent the majority of black people but you do??

Carry on..........

LOL @ this guy trying to prove me wrong.  I could sit here and explain in detail to you what I meant, but I won't.  You wouldn't understand.  It seems that you don't want to understand either.  You just want to prove me wrong and contend that all blacks are in fact slang talking, corner hanging, lowlifes.  It's amazing how many middle aged Caucasians are in tune with black culture.

Carry on........

Offline capt. apathy

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #63 on: May 23, 2004, 02:43:31 PM »
Originally posted by SoulzofAW3
2. Even the blacks that do speak slang or Ebonics are not all ignorant.  Slang is just a way for people to communicate with each other in a way that's comfortable to us.  Just because I speak slang dosen't mean that I have a gun in my jacket and I'm ready to rob someone.  Think about it, most of you guys speak slang also.  Ex,  "I just HO'd a noob over HQ".  That's slang also.  Does that mean you're a street person or ignorant?  Not at all.  It's just our way of communicating with each other when flying.  Think about that the next time you're ready to label someone because of the way that they speak.

I agree with most of your post, but would like to point out a few things about the part I'm quoting here.

while not all who speak that way are ignorant, they sound that way, communicate that way and might as well be ignorant.  if you can't share your ideas with the world in an intelligent fashion they do you no good.  you could be Albert Einstein on the inside, but if you can't get your ideas out, then for all practical purposes you are a dumb-ass.

as far as the rest of it.  sure there is nothing wrong with slang in a certain context.  I use slang in flight-sim, where everyone knows what I'm talking about, I use another 'slang' at work, we have terms for tools and procedures that would get a blank look from anyone not in the industry.

here's the big difference-  I don't use my work 'slang' when off work or away from my co-workers,  I don't use flight-sim slang when away from my PC or other flight simmers.  and above all I can speak English clearly when I'm in a setting where it is appropriate.  

I have no problem with kids speaking slang when hanging out with their friends, or even in music (fact is if it where limited to that I'd have never heard it anyway). but it's all over the schools and many young kids come to work speaking like that.  it gets them labeled as a dumb-ass right away and it effects the opportunities they are given.

IMO the inability (or unwillingness) to speak clearly holds young black kids back much more than the color of their skin.  it holds some white kids back too but they don't have the luxury of blaming it on skin color.

we get new apprentices fairly regularly and I generally get to pick which ones I want to work with.  since I often do more detailed work with a much higher opportunity for an apprentice to learn. many who don't get picked by me (or others who do similar work) end up spending the majority of their day doing manual labor, with very little to learn or advance themselves.

I don't let the color of a mans skin effect who I choose, but I will not pick someone who gives the appearance of stupidity, or chooses to be difficult to communicate with.  I say chooses, because I will and have taken apprentices who are deaf, or new to the country and still working on their English,  but by the time a man reaches 20yrs old in this country, and gone through a school system that I've paid for, if he still can't speak this language clearly then I'll take the easy route, slap a dumb-ass label on him and forget about him.  maybe you're right, maybe down deep he's a genius,  you dig for it, I don't have the time.

Offline stiehl

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #64 on: May 23, 2004, 02:55:18 PM »
HHHmmm... and where did I contend that all blacks are in fact slang talking, corner hanging, lowlifes??

As for "Wait, are you saying that not all of them negroes are the same???
That those scary rap guys don't represent the majority of black people?? But stereotyping is so much easier."
That's a little thing called sarcasm, here , you can look it up.

middle aged Caucasians....    good thing that I'm neither. But then again, I guess I'll never understand since I'm not the representative of black America.

Carry on........

EDIT: Funny thing, I was agreeing with you, but you decided to hop around acting indignant.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2004, 03:00:23 PM by stiehl »

Offline SoulzofAW3

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #65 on: May 23, 2004, 03:01:47 PM »
Originally posted by capt. apathy
I agree with most of your post, but would like to point out a few things about the part I'm quoting here.

while not all who speak that way are ignorant, they sound that way, communicate that way and might as well be ignorant.  if you can't share your ideas with the world in an intelligent fashion they do you no good.  you could be Albert Einstein on the inside, but if you can't get your ideas out, then for all practical purposes you are a dumb-ass.

as far as the rest of it.  sure there is nothing wrong with slang in a certain context.  I use slang in flight-sim, where everyone knows what I'm talking about, I use another 'slang' at work, we have terms for tools and procedures that would get a blank look from anyone not in the industry.

here's the big difference-  I don't use my work 'slang' when off work or away from my co-workers,  I don't use flight-sim slang when away from my PC or other flight simmers.  and above all I can speak English clearly when I'm in a setting where it is appropriate.  

I have no problem with kids speaking slang when hanging out with their friends, or even in music (fact is if it where limited to that I'd have never heard it anyway). but it's all over the schools and many young kids come to work speaking like that.  it gets them labeled as a dumb-ass right away and it effects the opportunities they are given.

IMO the inability (or unwillingness) to speak clearly holds young black kids back much more than the color of their skin.  it holds some white kids back too but they don't have the luxury of blaming it on skin color.

we get new apprentices fairly regularly and I generally get to pick which ones I want to work with.  since I often do more detailed work with a much higher opportunity for an apprentice to learn. many who don't get picked by me (or others who do similar work) end up spending the majority of their day doing manual labor, with very little to learn or advance themselves.

I don't let the color of a mans skin effect who I choose, but I will not pick someone who gives the appearance of stupidity, or chooses to be difficult to communicate with.  I say chooses, because I will and have taken apprentices who are deaf, or new to the country and still working on their English,  but by the time a man reaches 20yrs old in this country, and gone through a school system that I've paid for, if he still can't speak this language clearly then I'll take the easy route, slap a dumb-ass label on him and forget about him.  maybe you're right, maybe down deep he's a genius,  you dig for it, I don't have the time.

I agree with most of what you said.  If anyone comes into a job interview or the workplace speaking slang or Ebonics, then that's ignorant as you stated.  I was just making the point that it's not fair to label everyone who speaks slang as being ingnorant.  Also, I never stated that everyone who speaks slang is a genius.  I just made the point that everyone who speaks slang isn't a lowlife either.  If that's the case, we're all bums for saying things like "vulching" and "fying NOE".:aok

Offline SoulzofAW3

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #66 on: May 23, 2004, 03:08:03 PM »
Originally posted by stiehl
HHHmmm... and where did I contend that all blacks are in fact slang talking, corner hanging, lowlifes??

As for "Wait, are you saying that not all of them negroes are the same???
That those scary rap guys don't represent the majority of black people?? But stereotyping is so much easier."
That's a little thing called sarcasm, here , you can look it up.

middle aged Caucasians....    good thing that I'm neither. But then again, I guess I'll never understand since I'm not the representative of black America.

Carry on........

It really dosen't matter if it was meant as sarcasm or not.  I don't know the type of people that you normally communicate with, but you shouldn't just go around and say offensive things, throw a "sarcasm" on it and think that everything is fine.  You have things totally screwed up.  Also, I never stated that I was the representative of African Americans.  You just exaggerated that.  Oh, maybe it was just "sarcasm" again.  I'm speaking on behalf of the people that I know and what we talk about.  Step outside of your box and visit African American themed websites and see some of the opinions on there.  You'll see what I mean when I say a lot of blacks feel a certain way.

Carry on........

EDIT: Funny thing, I was agreeing with you, but you decided to hop around acting indignant.

Offline stiehl

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #67 on: May 23, 2004, 03:25:43 PM »
You were talking about people not representing the whole of a kind of people while giving us a run down on how most of those people really feel. I just found that ironic.

I guess that you're sensitive on this type of issue so if I truely offended, I apologize.

Offline lazs2

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #68 on: May 24, 2004, 08:45:12 AM »
no one has said that "all blacks" do anything.   The fact of the matter is that many blacks don't speak english that is recognizble or that sounds halfway bright.

You don't like whites discussing it?  too frioggin bad.   We will talk about whatever we want.  We can still do that, sort of, in this country.  Your whining about it puts me off... and a lot of white folks if you want to know but....

even tho I am 100 % white (so far as I know)  I don't pretend to know what all white rfolks think.  

Thing is... most of us agree but some of us let our sensitivity get in the way.


Offline Red Tail 444

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #69 on: May 24, 2004, 09:54:25 AM »
Originally posted by SoulzofAW3
:rolleyes:  @ this entire thread.  As a young black male, I find this thread ridiculous.  I respect Bill Cosby for what he has accomplished, but as far as I'm concerned he could have saved those comments that he made about the need to speak English.  Believe it or not, most blacks don't speak Ebonics.  I'll just give you guys a run down on how most black people feel about topics like things like this.

1.  We absolutely hate it when an African American celebrity gets on television to give these "Let's uplift our people" speeches about how blacks need to stop speaking in Ebonics and get off welfare, etc.  Truth be told, most of us are already doing that.  They just get in the national spotlight and make it seem as if we're all in the ghetto, which leads to topics and discussions like this among Caucasians.

2. Even the blacks that do speak slang or Ebonics are not all ignorant.  Slang is just a way for people to communicate with each other in a way that's comfortable to us.  Just because I speak slang dosen't mean that I have a gun in my jacket and I'm ready to rob someone.  Think about it, most of you guys speak slang also.  Ex,  "I just HO'd a noob over HQ".  That's slang also.  Does that mean you're a street person or ignorant?  Not at all.  It's just our way of communicating with each other when flying.  Think about that the next time you're ready to label someone because of the way that they speak.

3.  The most important thing!  Stop watching so much television and thinking that all blacks behave a certain way.  These rappers rap about females and drugs because that's how they make their money.  I don't condone it at all, but that's why they're called ENTERTAINERS.  Just because someone raps about selling drugs dosen't mean that they're going to the corner to sell drugs right after they leave the recording studio.

Carry on..........

Well said but don't put too much energy into this Bbs, it's not a forum for learning, just a platform for some to spew their moral feces for worldwide consumption...

No thank you, I just ate...

Offline midnight Target

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #70 on: May 24, 2004, 11:20:25 AM »
<--- middle aged white guy

Offline Red Tail 444

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #71 on: May 24, 2004, 12:26:25 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
<--- middle aged white guy

hey is Ed561 still in your squad?

Offline Saintaw

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #72 on: May 24, 2004, 12:35:15 PM »
This does not fit the Eddie Murphy image I had of Bill Cosby.

IIIIIIIIiiii do not like the filth fly filth fly filth that you said to my son.... Iiiiiiii...
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline midnight Target

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #73 on: May 24, 2004, 02:39:28 PM »
Originally posted by Red Tail 444
hey is Ed561 still in your squad?

Don't know that name.

Offline Red Tail 444

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Bill Cosby on the need to speak 'English'
« Reply #74 on: May 24, 2004, 03:07:33 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Don't know that name.

He was in the Nightmares, back in 2002 I a rook squad?