Author Topic: Beta 34  (Read 1880 times)

Offline Pyro

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Beta 34
« on: May 21, 2004, 06:26:52 PM »
Beta 34 is now available for download.

Full version:

Update from 33:

Aces High II Version 1.9934 Open Beta

NOTE:  This beta version requires DirectX 9.  If you are using an older version of
DirectX, you will need to upgrade.  Go to to update.

Fixed a bug that was causing weapon blast radius to not function correctly.

Text windows no longer flash white when they are updated.

Friendly icons now display above the plane.

Vehicles outside of ground detail range will no longer be displayed.  

Fixed a gunner bug that caused tank pintle guns to not traverse correctly.

Added an import function to import specific folders from AH1 when you first run AH2.

Added a texture load slider to the graphic detail options that allows you to set how fast textures load.  Setting this low can cause flashing when textures are loading, setting it high may cause a stutter.  It is best to experiment with this setting to find the optimal setting for this option.

Fixed a bug causing some CV planes to nose into the CV deck upon catching a wire.

Added a dialog box at startup for graphic adaptors that can't run AH2 due to lack of hardware T&L.

Added a selection highlight cross in the convergence setup screen.

Fixed a sound bug with some manned guns at field.

Fixed a bug causing inverted vehicles from coming to a stop.

Fixed a bug that allowed players to continue to man gun positions when their ship was sunk.

Fixed a bug that triggered a field capture when certain objects were destroyed.

Clipboard minimize button now works.

Added new damage effects to the Hurricanes, Macchi's, N1K2, P40's, and 109's.

Fixed the writing on the chalkboard at the vehicle hangar and changed its placement.

Fixed a bridge object that wasn't sorting correctly.

Gear shadows on the Arado now disappear when the gear are destroyed.

Field resupply crates no longer protrude from the C-47 when loaded.

Acks on top of the HQ now disappear when the HQ is destroyed.

Changed the pilot head position limits in the 190D.

Fixed a bug that was causing some textures to become transparent in custom skins.

Gear on the A6M5 now disappear when destroyed.

Ailerons on both A6M's now disappear when destroyed.

Fixed the muzzle flash on the right waist gunner on the B-17.

FM2 altimeter needle should work now.

Mossie prop hubs and gear doors now disappear when wing is destroyed. Blades aren't disappearing yet.

Fixed a sorting error with the Mossie cockpit.

LVT's no longer take on water when at sea.

262 and Arado can now damage their engines when landing gear up.