Author Topic: All fellas who aint quittin' chime in here....  (Read 1862 times)


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All fellas who aint quittin' chime in here....
« Reply #60 on: November 30, 2000, 08:41:00 PM »
60 guys 10 days  what you want to bet one of um gives a adios message in the next couple of months.
 i love the game as much as yall , and really regret that htc is like captain bly on its decisions about aspects of the game that have driven away many 0ld timers . but i say again 60 in 10 days .

and numbers arent gettin bigger in the arena at all they  have stagnated from what i see.

people pleadin for help in the arena , at 29.95 i aint doin support for htc and apperently neither is anyone else.

ah is in trouble .

Offline hblair

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All fellas who aint quittin' chime in here....
« Reply #61 on: November 30, 2000, 08:53:00 PM »
towd, put down the crack pipe and step away from your computer!


Offline Maverick

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All fellas who aint quittin' chime in here....
« Reply #62 on: November 30, 2000, 09:52:00 PM »

I'm afraid you're right. The numbers aren't holding to what they should be doing. I am seeing quite a few older heads in TA as well. They aren't smacking baby seals (much) but they aren't flying in MA that much either. I left MA due to the time factor. When I have time I don't want to lose it just grabbing to get coalt in the stratosphere. That cuts my hour or so to fly to one or two missions and that ain't much fun. I spend more time reading waiting to get to alt than I do fighting, except in TA. Fuel multiplier hurts ability to regrab on same tank.  

Oh well I'm still here but not as happy about game as I'd like to be.

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Offline Pyro

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All fellas who aint quittin' chime in here....
« Reply #63 on: November 30, 2000, 11:21:00 PM »
Originally posted by -towd_:
i love the game as much as yall , and really regret that htc is like captain bly on its decisions about aspects of the game that have driven away many 0ld timers . but i say again 60 in 10 days .

Fletcher Christian, we have no old timers in AH here, just a bunch of rookies.  But pretty soon those rookies will become vets.

That aside, there is really only one true old-old-timer, the Cal Ripkin of online flight-sims.  Very rarely do you see him post or even speak for that matter, but he's been in this genre from the start.

While many others come and go, 715 is a monument and should be enshrined in the online flight-sim hall of fame.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations