I tend to agree. I think it's silly that we have helmet laws in some states. I also think it's silly to have mandatory belt laws.
In like fashion, I don't like any of the so called consensual crime laws. Prostitution, drugs, gambling, ticket scalping, sodomy, you name it. I don't see the point of protecting people from themselves.
Guns... I agree that gun locks and safes and all the other safety features that are available are probably a good thing to have. Still, I'm not convinced that it's something that we need to legislate. On the other hand, if one of my children was in someone's house and good gun safety wasn't practiced with a result of injury or death to one of my children, I would definitely be in the mood for a lawsuit.
Back on the car thing...
The car manufactures are going to load vehicles with crumple zones, air bags, shoulder restraints and all sorts of additional safety features because (I believe) the majority of the consumers desire such things. At the same time, I don't agree with our legislators making such features mandatory.
If a parent is so foolish as to allow their children to move about freely in a motor vehicle, completely unrestrained, good on them. They're not making the gene pool any deeper anyway.