I remeber that Snefens, I flew G2s with the Fins (Wotan at the time). The good thing is they ran out of gas....
BoB without Bombers artik?
The Ju87 wasnt a major player in BoB except early on...
Even the 110c4 the lw has for this event is has a db601n eng. It was rare during bob as well.
So the lw with E4 (no E3s) Ju88a4 (no ealier LW bomber) and JU87d3 (no earlier LW dive bomber).
The Ju88A4 is not some uber bird, I shot down plenty in the CT in a Hurri 1 during BoB set ups....
You asked for BoB every year

If you want it, then its gotta be run with the planes availble.
Most RAF in the 1st BoB ( I rode 3 frames as bomber Gunner) tried to ho ju88s with 303s then had to turn 180 and flew right up their six, only to be shot down as they flew into a hail of 7mm....
Most allied guys dont attck bombers much. Maybe they will practice this time

Try b17s at 27 k while in an 190a8. In Bob our bombers were at 15 -17k...
Little tip about the AH DM, Velocity at impact determins the amount of damage. So when you flew dead 6 into bombers you are flying into the Ju88s bullets, So bullet velocity at impact + the speed of your AC = more damage then say a Hurri 1 firing at a ju88 from the rear (bullet velocity - the speed of the ju88 = less damage). So theres no uber ju88, just poor tactics

In fact our Ju88s slowed down when under attack to increase the closure rate of dead 6 attackers...
However, I had lotsa fun, in frame 4 I shot down 2 hurris otd over the channel while on Vox giving orders and typing...