Author Topic: M8 Underpowered?  (Read 334 times)

Offline 2Hawks

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M8 Underpowered?
« on: May 25, 2004, 12:54:22 PM »
I have found that the M8 accelerates much slower in AH2 than in AH1. I thought this might be new modeling and took it in stride.

However,  when it  finnally Accelerated to it's top speed and hit (yes hit) a small incline it would come to a complete stop.

I found I had to drop to first to scale even the mildest inclines. It was most annoying.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Offline Stratocaster

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M8 Underpowered?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2004, 08:37:36 PM »
Same here

∼<<∼Loose Deuce∼>>∼

Offline Janov

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M8 Underpowered?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2004, 07:45:19 AM »
I am actually happy that it just stops when hitting an object, if the physics were modeled more realistic it would either smash up the front, break the shocks, or go into a wild jump. The incline on those small bumps is just too steep. So itīs a small price to pay for the more realistic terrain. You donīt have to watch the screen every second, but can go and get a beer from the fridge while your GV rumbles on. If you hit something you will just stop. Although I mentioned to roll a GV after driving over a ridge at an oblique angle - albeit withough damage... I could drive on after I luckily fell back onto the tracks :-)

The new terrain is a huge improvement, GVs are much harder to see, and we will have many chances for ambushes and close-quarter fighting in AH2. In AH1 most GV battles are fought at unrealistically long ranges, because there is nothing to break the line of sight...


Offline frank3

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M8 Underpowered?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2004, 08:14:06 AM »
Must agree, the terrain looks much better!
But stopping completly when challenging a small incline does take some fun away...

...I mean, how are we supposed to trickjump with that! :D

Offline 2Hawks

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This stopping...
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2004, 10:22:43 AM »
This stopping happens a LOT more frequently than you might think...

As for realism, how real would it be if you had to stop and shift your car to 1st in order to cross an overpass? In real life, if your going 40 or 50 you WILL jump a bit dependoing on the terrain you hit.