If you're IN command, TAKE command!
But here in cyber space it's pretty hard to simply "Put your foot down" as a leader. If you're an elected CO, then you have earned the respect needed from those who count. So aside from doing the things suggested above, your best bet for maintaining control is to screen them stinkin' newbies to insure that they have the "Proper mental attitude" so as not to conflict with your "Master plan".
To keep everyone else interested in supporting you, You need to focus on developing Unit integrity. This means you become the "Idea man", and everyone else gets job working to make those ideas a reality... You administrate, they operate.
Keep a list of those who drag their feet on missions, or seem otherwise disinterested in the group effort. Then, when it comes time for another mission, Make them plan, execute and lead it. Then give them a written critique on it.
After doing this with a few different members, THEN it might be OK to take suggestions, or allow a vote on how to do your job.
Just my 2 cents woith