Author Topic: Some feedback  (Read 129 times)

Offline xela

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Some feedback
« on: January 05, 2000, 11:24:00 AM »
I think after flying for quite a long time now for free, some feedback might as well be OK. I put together some things I dislike in AH since beta ends in couple of weeks. Must say I'm really impressed how this sim comes along with a rather small team behind it compared to the others. Everything is IMO, flame your neighbor (or a cigarette, even a dozen of spits) if you feel the need to do so
No comment on FM as it will change with every release for now.
Also, since I wrote only about things I dislike, reading it might make you think I don't like AH at all. That is not the case, I like it as much as I did WB, but it is just that, a second WB with some cool new additions. WWIIOnline appeals me far more, until that goes open beta, AH will be worth the 30$.

-Most ext. gfx look nice and so do the planes, but the cockpit gfx are crap. Most gauges are hard to read (not clear enough), some are too big considering what information they supply. Space between some is too large, I prefer to have them all on std. forward view and would like to be able to get the information with one look. When I move my head some of the cockpit frames give me the impression the thing falls apart any moment now (probably because of the gaps between them).
-Smoke effect of traces seems overdone, same for the hit flashes at range.
-Some of the ground textures are annoying because used too often, everywhere the same lake
-Z-Order is buggy. Again.

-Not much to say, except that the way 3D sound is implemented I would prefer to turn that feature off. Looking left and the right sound is off, the effect is too strong. Good 3D sound could offer so much more.

-Hope they don't stay as they are after end of beta. So many good suggestions made over the years..

-Guncam should give me the possibility to jump into other planes, i.e. everything should be recorded, beacon included.
-Weapon loadout is cool, but why do I have only primary and secondary guns? When I load a 30mm and 2 20mm on a Bf109, I don't want to shoot them both. Also I would like to be able to change ammo configs, remove MGs and set convergence for each set of guns, not one setting for all of them.
Same for ext. drop tanks, let me choose how much fuel actually is in it.
-Damage model as usual, just more parts can be damaged it seems (for example, 20mm round damages the rudder, it doesn't go on and damages other parts too).
-As no otto for buffs shows, it works. Why otto for field defense?

-Entire open arena concept, i.e. everybody can fly every plane.
-3 country concept is unbalancing, should be equal number of countries.
-No real strategy, just targets for buffs. With the current small map a couple of determined buffs can knock out a country.
-No reason to live at all.
-No utility to build missions in the game.

-Entire user interface should be redone, hard to use, uncomfortable and looks like being coded 2 years ago.
-Joystick mapping, why can't I map the same function on 2 buttons?
-Font, in 1024 res it reminds me of VGA times (at least on my system), OK in 1280 for radio and counters, but too big for icons.
-Drop tanks wanted for MC.205


Offline Azrael

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Some feedback
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2000, 12:06:00 PM »
As no otto for buffs shows, it works. Why otto for field defense?

Indeed. No otto for buffs is the main reason I cancelled my (also free) account on the german WB 2.01 server. Note that I only fly buffs.

However, the ack strength on fields was a gameplay decision I think (prevents vulching, makes buff necessary). And I don't know if adding manual controlled acks to bases would help the gameplay (not the simulation). There's a fine line of balance there I think, make gunning or lobbing 88mm shells too easy and you have a frustated agressor crowd that has to seek undefended fields or make it too hard to hit something and you have helpless defenders.

No reason to live at all.
Hard to achieve by game conditions. I fly long range buff missions (and seem to collect the most points for some reason) but I really try to make it back home and land, it's rather a question if you only want the action or the whole picture. For me, there's nothing better than landing a buff after a good run. The other side of the coin is that I've been accused to disco intentionally on two occasions when I got discoed within con range, since it matches the overall picture that I fly a buff defensively (I really don't know how to fly a buff offensively, I think this would be low level vulching over a field or so). Anyways, the desire to live has to come from the players not from the game environment.

Entire user interface should be redone, hard to use, uncomfortable and looks like being coded 2 years ago
cc on that, the interface feels very rough. I did relate that to the small development team and the beta state, otoh there are features like the autoupdater with resume feature that works excellent.

Excellent post Xela

(High alt buff dweeb)

 Red Dragons

[This message has been edited by azrael (edited 01-05-2000).]