Author Topic: GAME COST  (Read 5502 times)

Offline humble

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« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2000, 05:49:00 PM »
I've been waiting for almost 4 years for someone to take a good look at the price/performance aspect of online computer gaming. Up until AH appeared I had two distinct options. A great price for a mediocre product (AW) or a prohibitive price for a good product (WB). I chose to enjoy the mediocre product and haven't regreted a moment spent online over the years.

Finally I've got a third option a great product (IMHO) for a fair (FIXED ) price. Is it it ever it fun it always improving bet...Will I sign up figure it out

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Wardog

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« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2000, 06:06:00 PM »
I chose to pay for the best products & dont regret 1 minute of it.

Exactly how many of you guys speend 100 bucks on a friday night drinking. I spent more than 100 on a Friday night out.

To fly my hobby i stayed at home 1 weekend out of the month. Gee, no i can fly anything i really want to.

WB is costly but a solution was found so i could play.If you love the hobby your into,you will find a way to pay.

I would have gladly started paying for AH when it 1st came out in beta. Ill have no problem paying the price for an ongoing work of art  

Anyone with a keen interest will pay $30.00 a month.And we like so see the guys interested in the program as a whole,not as a shoot em up type mentality.

Love to see AH go Pay very soon.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2000, 06:23:00 PM »
There are many people here that have payed $2000 in one year to play Warbirds (I know I did).  If I can get that same kind of excitement (with a little more strategy) for $30... you can bet I'm going to go for it.

The price is a bit high, but it offers a very good product on a solid multi-user platform.  Flying with 200 people on-line is much different than flying with 32.  The self-host games just have too many limitations.

In addition, the absence of corperate gaming companies is a plus.  I like the feeling of flying with the people that make the decisions... rather than the people that ask if they can make a decision.

Hats off to HiTech and Pyro (and the rest of the gang).  Not many realize the risk taken to achieve these goals... and even fewer apreciate it.



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« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2000, 06:28:00 PM »
Well Westy perty much said it for me.
Except for the bagels & coffee.
I'll drink one less can of Beamish
stout(1.60 a can) per nite  

A dollar a day for any type hobby/
entertainment is hard to come by.
At least for me it has.

So all of you can count on this
"Clay Pigeon" to pop up when HiTech
yells Pull.


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« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2000, 07:26:00 PM »
I love the idea of a fixed and affordable price.  I think that the $30.00 price tag will create a very large clientele that will keep HTC in business and allow enough $ to be spent on programing game improvements.  The fixed rate will also create full arenas since more time online means a better $ per hour ratio (just put your B-17 in auto-climb and go fix diner   ).  I founded and co-owned a very successful business (I am now a poor teacher   ) and I can attest that HTC's marketing plan appears to be very sound.  Most of the members of my squad have been flying more in AH than they ever did in WB, partially because we are not constantly thinking about $ per hour.  Ironically, most of us will be spending a little more in AH than we did in WB (our entire squad has already converted   ).  Good revenues and happy customers = smart business.
I am looking forward to paying my $30.00 per month, and my wife is actually OK with it.  My only concern is if the two week free period is enough to turn a typical newbe into a AH junkie.

Long live HTC!

eskimo of the Buccaneers.

Offline Thorns

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« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2000, 09:14:00 PM »
Hey, I drive the tollways around Chicago everyday and it's either pay or go some other route.....same here in AH.  I will pay for something I love......flying!  I think this is the best flight model I have ever played.  I have a license to fly and it's just too damn expensive to rent a plane flying has given me a fix so I don't go crazy and find a bell tower with a rifle.  Aces High is my drug.
Compared to Heroin it's pretty cheap....hehe.
Just kiddin'  My hats off to HiTech Creations for giving us a great flightsim which I will take advantage of......woohoo!
They support their product and it's really low cost support.  Take a bow you guys!!

CO Musketeer Escadrille


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« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2000, 10:04:00 PM »
Personally (and im probally the only one here who thinks this, and will get flammed for it im sure) i think that AH should be totally free, and open source, with only HTC running 'legal' versions on thier servers. Any one else who recompiled some changes could run thier own server or whatnot, but 99.9 percent of the people dont have that sort of bandwidth to support any decent number of players. That way people could find bugs, fix them, make graphical changes, port it to other OS's, work in some other planes and models and physics and submit that to HTC, then they could say 'wow thats cool, well stick it in and run it' or 'never noticed that bug, thanks for fixing it, well update' Thats TRUE beta testing. And since its always 'a work in progress' the work would go alot faster and satisfy alot more people, and free up HTC members to go get real jobs and make thier money that way. (not saying programming isnt a real job, but small software firms are not meant to compete for market in my opinion, they are there to put out quality 'projects' that they and people elsewhere can enjoy, like MOD communities for quake or halflife or back in the day with doom) I know i personally would love to drop a few hundred bucks to them for support, and help out coding or doing models for free, just becuase i think the software is great, but i hate being told i have to pay for things more than once, hell i hate having to pay for it in the first place. Its software not a car or a house. People should not have to pay money to enjoy themselves. Its facist if you ask me. I believe this way for movies and concerts and walking on the beach and every thing else they try and make you pay for these days. I can understand if they had a 'pay arena' that all the hardcores could go into and get on some true simming with rpg elements, playing out the character of a ww2 pilot and such, they would be free of the 'lameness' but they should have free arenas as well, so people can experiance the software theyve devolped.

Agian thats all just my opinion, maybe im really really old school in my open source this and open source that...but i just remember the time of actual beta testing and shareware and free distrubtion...before the entire freaking internet and all the software companies went capitalist as all hell, trying to turn a buck as opposed to just entertaining people.

My 2cents, feel free to flame.

--Sidney Atkins
BrainRot Software


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« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2000, 10:26:00 PM »
First off if I misquoted HT I appoligize, but that was what I understood during the Q/A Wed. night.
Second, I have been flying online for over 5 years from AW Classic, AW2 and AW3. Air Warrior 3 is a old idea with a new package and hasnt changed much (game play wise) in its run. The last year the squadron of guys that I have had the privilage to fly with for the past 5 years we have been looking for a sim such as Aces High.
AH is by far the best thing we have seen available and we all think its great.
My intension was not to complane about the 30 dollars price tag of the game when it was in full land , sea and air operation. I just thought that it was high for what we have now and what it will be version 1.0 (V 1.0 being 10 aircraft to my understanding)
Now this is just my opinion and thats all it is.
Yes im sure I will sign up, when im not sure.
I just want to re-iderate that AH is a super sim and the crew at H.T. have done a GREAT JOB!!!


Offline janneh

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« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2000, 11:14:00 PM »
I'm willing to pay too, after all HTC needs some pizza's & beer's to develope this great game.
If free beta period stretches too long, there's this danger to HTC running out of beer and that means the end of this promising sim.

So I say I'm willing to pay 30$'s for 109F-4  

Btw, always when HT is online, there's millions of questions in radio. Why not just let HT fly his P-51 and not bombing him with our needless questions, this is the place for them, and so far, HTC is replying all questions here, so....?


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« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2000, 12:54:00 AM »
Fallen your a crack monkey. AH isn't open source material like Linux. Can you imagine every goofball being able to tinker with the plane abilities and FM on their server?

If your in range, so is the enemy.


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« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2000, 01:16:00 AM »
Well since someone else started it.. I have to mention three things:

1) I don't play enough to qualify for $30 a month. I play maybe once/twice in a month (even with it free as it is now) for a couple hours at a time.

2) I am VEEERY worried that there will only be 20-30 people on MAX when it goes pay. Right now it's free and the most I've seen is 100 (and most of the time it's at 50 people or so). Heck WB before it went pay was at like 200 people all the time.

3) I said it before.. I'm saying it again. I'm bored to tears with the parachute stuff. The strategy elements are nice but we really need "more" guys. I spend 15 mins flying to my destination yawning all the way, 3-5 mins of excitement then up again. I always feel like wow I killed that guy.. but whats the point? My country isn't doing any better cause of it he'll just re-roll in 5 secs. Even if my country did benefit the 3 country system would just confuse any real strategy anyways (can we say 2 countries please). Furthermore its not like I a raise in rank (don't get better aircraft, no sense of glory+accomplishment), all I get is a kill on my scoreboard.. sigh

I do love the game guys don't get me wrong. The graphics are nice, the planes are nice and the people I fly with are cool. But I just feel like I need more (hehe greedy aren't I ;0)


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« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2000, 01:24:00 AM »
 It cost what it cost. You pay our you dont. I dont think we get to vote on it.

  Besides I have to pay $35. They said the extra $5 was a whining tax. That just dont seem right somehow.

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2000, 01:50:00 AM »
I'll pay 30.00 a month and not quibble as long as TT quits shooting me down....

'course I'd probably pay more if everyone else quit shooting me down too.....

Flight Commander, Aces High
Skeleton Crew


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« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2000, 03:14:00 AM »
Sorrows: Yes i can imagine every one tinkering with the FM's for thier personally run servers. Maybe then all the people whining "oh this plane is wrong..and this plane is uber...and this planes needes this" Will shut up and do it themselves. Theyll stop bugging the designers and most of the sim players and learn something. And if by some off chance some 70 year old spit pilot happens across thier server (wouldnt gamespy support for AH servers just rock? possibly with different maps/settings/planes for each server, so every one can get what they want from the game, instead of having to conform to some set standard that no one can agree upon in the first place?) and go "woah some one modeled a spit right!" And they could easily tell HTC that the one on the pay server is wrong, and thiers is right, with some actual proof. I understand that theres a possiblity of cheating, but who in thier right mind would reverse engineer open source software to exploit it...and then PAY for some arena when theres 100s of free servers around :P So the pay arena could be for the hardcores like i said, gauranteed to be monitored and upgraded and lame free...while the rest of us can tinker with it and play without paying some ungodly fee to get shot down by people who know what theyre doing. I mean my T1 access costs less than 30 dollars a month (of course im close friends with woman than runs my isp but still.) I cant just throw around money every month, but its not fair that I (or people in my situation) get left out. Its facist! (i love that word today for some reason)

As for the crack monkey remark, I have never, and will never, have anything to do with crack. Absinthe on the other hand.....mmmm.


Offline Duckwing6

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« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2000, 03:18:00 AM »
that would be kewl... a price reduction for people shooting Greybeard down  

Naww.. i say scrap the Ien Account, scrap the  gamestorm account and long live AH (well maybe i'll keep them all together and just move under a comfty bridge or something...)

Cyas UP there