Originally posted by Pongo
you missed it when Bushes ambassador told Huessain 2 weeks before that that the US thought the Kuwiet-Iraq border dispute was not a US issue.
I believe what the US ambassodor said to the Iraqi diplomat was..."We seek peacefull relations with our Iraqi friends...and regarding your border dispute with Kuwait,we have no opinion."
Also in Congress,the Bush administration was asked what would happen if Iraq invaded Kuwait..The answer said outloud.."No military action"
At the time,Iraq was a US ally...A stern warning from US would have prevented 2 wars and hundreds of thousands of lives(learn from our mistakes in 1939 eg. Neville Chambelain)
Kuwait was overproducing oil in violation OPEC quotas..this drove the price of oil down costing Iraq over a billion dollars a day...Iraq tried to resolve the dispute,filed a greivance with the UN that got no attention,finally got Jordan to broker a deal with Kuwait regarding oil production but at the last moment the Kuwaiti's reneged...There was also the disputed oil feilds between Kuwait and Iraq which the Kuwaitis moved in on and took possession.The Kuwaiti's were also demanding payments for the war againsts Iran(which the US supported)
USA invades Panama...
Oliver North meets in a hotel with high ranking Iranian businessmen in Germany...he says on tape how US wants Iraq to be the next enemy and wants better relations with Iran(Iran Contra scandal)...Thus USA provided arms to both Iraq(including raw materials for WMD) and Iran at the same time.Rumsfeld is photographed shaking hands with Saddam.
Warsaw Pact was over with the fall of USSR iron curtain....New enemies had to be found or there would have been calls for drastic reductions in US "Defense" spending.