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I Gave up on public school years ago, I home school my son. I was in HS from 70 to 74 we had Armed gaurds in the hallways, and my class had a greater than 50% dropout rate. Spending per pupil has more than doubled yet school programs have dwindled. last year my son had Religous studies, collage level <101 classes> Algabra, Chemistry, finshed his A+ studies , read Shakespere, O Henery, and Asimov for lit, pushed his way thru 7 CDs of German, learned cabinet making <3 sets of shelves and designed and finshed a coffee table from pelim scteches to finshed product>, learned all the counties/capitals in the state, then did it for the world, desinged and printed a travel brochure for NM and for Germany, and maxed the standerdized testing for his age group. And he did this in 2 to 4 hours a day. All of this was paid for by me and cost considerably less than a $1000.00 for the year . In the same year his peers had 4 classes a day, NO Phys Ed, science was reading Verns "Journey to the center of the earth" for vocabulary, math was still pre algabra Language arts was picture books, and the day was 6 hours long. IMO public schools have been reduced to day care status and parents have skiped out on their responsibilitys as partners in the education process. I dont want a voucher, I just want the fedral funds that are sent to each school on a per pupil basis, sent to me. Here at least, too many people are more concerned with the income a spouse can bring in than the care of their children. Another spin off was my son learning "when you are done, your time is your own" something 23 year old Privates hadn't figured when they were in my squad in the Army. Not bad for a 14 year old.
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Really I think too many have quit on their kidds and really dont care, or more would be done to fix public education.