Author Topic: Some Visual Bugs and suggestions....  (Read 184 times)

Offline 2Hawks

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Some Visual Bugs and suggestions....
« on: June 11, 2004, 03:32:23 PM »
N1K, RPM guage:
Look Forward Right, then press F8 and release the right arrow key.

Use the forward arrow key until the edge of the screen meets the center of the RPM needle. The RPM Needle will dissapear.

B-17 Props.
Press F5, F8 then Zoom in. Use the arrow keys to look at the lead Plane through the props of the drones. - You can see through the lead plane when looking at the lead plane through the drone props.

Bombers in General
Can't hear the engines or gunfire of the  Bomber Drones,

When the sun is setting, you can see it and the glare effect through moutains when flying low to the earth.

Things select and unselect themseles while in the Hanger. However, when you jump in the plane things are as you selected them last, despit ethe hanger showing otherwise. Also the channel dialog box gets in the way of Ord or DT Selection. I have to move it out of the way to change my ammo loadout.

Carrier course lines on the map will be white where it meets the border of the map, creating a gradient to red to the end of that waypoint.

It's Awesome to see ship gun flashes and hear the gun fire from the manned big guns, can we have the sound of gunfire from the auto-ack as well? As it is, I think (haven't confirmed) that being able to hear a manned ack firing when the auto-ack's aren't making a sound might give the nme an advantage.

I noticed the spiraled tracers are gone. Any chance we can get them back? How about check boxes for turning features on or off and let the player decide what details they want rather than a slider? I like having control over what i would like to se and what I would not like to see in a game.

While I am making requests, I know these will prolly be put on a back burner, BUT:

 - Contrails from wingtips on High G maneuvers.

 - Rwy and Hanger spawn for Cv's.
 - get raised by the Carrier elevator for Hanger spawns from thge Carrier.

- Manual unfolding of the wings when raised by the elevator. Link to Engine start or something. I posted on this before.