A reminder, When the Dems candidate in New Jersey was losing in the polls just 30 days before the election they pulled him out and put in poll tested Toraselli sp? to replace him, Toraseli won. The Dem appointed SJC ruled it Okay. Aganist the election laws of New Jersey and the State constituion. When GORE didn't like the results of Florida, well we know what happened there.
So once again here in Massachusetts the Dems don't like the law. If Kerry wins the Presidential (god help us) then the Governor a Rep. has the Law both State and Federal Constitutionality to appoint a interim Senate, Now the Dems in the State Legislature with Kennedy pushing hard are trying to pass a law to overturn an 80 year old law to stop this appointment, incidentally this is how KERRY got his senate set, Dukakis appointed
Michael S. Dukakis appointed Kerry to the seat to give him a leg up in ...
Massachusetts Democrats are devising a plan to keep John F. Kerry's US Senate seat in their party's hands by blocking Governor Mitt Romney from naming an interim replacement if Kerry wins the White House.
Under Article 17 of the US Constitution, governors derive the power of filling a Senate vacancy from their legislatures.
Under state law, Romney would appoint an interim senator
Under the Straus proposal, the Senate seat would remain vacant until the state holds a special election to fill it, 60 to 180 days after the vacancy.
Straus said such a system would also avoid having two Senate contests taking place in the same year. Senator Edward M. Kennedy will face reelection in 2006. With a gubernatorial election taking place that year, Straus argued, voters would face a lot of confusion.
O I guess I'm to stupid to understand two names on the ballet. F off Straus