August 26 1970, Pearl Harbor...A Day that will live in Infamy.
I was 12 and it had just finished raining outside. The Sun came out and so did alotta kids from the age of 10 to 15. We all wanted to play softball but the portable baseball backstop was about 30 yards away from home plate. No problem, we'll just move it. The wheels were inoperatable so we decided that there was enough of us to lift it and cart it over. We all got around it and things were okay for the first 10 yards or so. Did I mention that it had just finished raining? Well some of the littler guys were slipping and falling which put the burden of the weight on all that were left. I remember someone yelling out "Look out it's falling!" Just then both my feet shot upwards and the baseball backstop fell on my head. Crushed my nose, cheekbones, fractured skull 3 places and both upper and lower jaws fractured.
Spent 6 hours in surgery, 5 days in a medical induced coma and 4 Months in the hospital. 2 retuns for plastic surgery on right eyelid.
Still have many scars from that one. Kids are tuff and rebound quickly.