Ok, just so everyone knows, I hate the AKs. I also hate the 13th TAS. I'm starting to hate the Hornets but I'm not quite there yet. I would hate the MOL, too, but Whels was in my AOL squadron and we've done an airshow together in Lakeland, so at least they have one redeeming feature.
I also hate Tiger spawncampers, P-51D score potatos, and Typhoons. I hate the bouncing tank bug. I might hate the AKDesert map but it hasn't come up in the rotation in AH2 yet so maybe it'll be refined and improved. I hate the fact that we don't have the Ki-44 Shoki nor the Sherman tank with the Calliope bolt-on rocket pack. I hate that we can only have 1 gunner in a bomber (nothing builds squad unity like a bloodpig mission). I hate the absence of the B-25 as a carrier-based bomber.
I also hate con artists who get away scot-free, but since I didn't get taken I'll let the victims dispense their own justice.
Oh, and I hate the 6-foot rule at strip clubs.