Thx for the input nopoop
The wing root was a little hard to find, but for the d11, the left wingroot is located just above and behind the canopy. I had to angle the wingroot rivits approx 10 degrees to make them look symetrical on the 3d model. I didn't like the results though, so after looking at the default skin, I decided to make it look like the right wing root to keep it symetrical on the 3d model.
I'd like more input on this though, cause when the rivits are following the contours of the wing root, they are "stretched" due to the 3d mapping and it looks unrealistic.
I have the same problem close to the canopy, where the panel lines near the front are stretched, I can paint them farther to the center line of the fuse, but this doesn't look accurate, so i tried to compromise.
I compromised on the landing gear outline also, it was tough finding the edges. I found that the landing gear cover mapping is twisted 180 degress at the top of the wheel portion. When the gear is down, the cover has a different appearance then when it's up. I decided to go with rivits to outline the cover as it's down, and panel lines to accent the edges when it's up.
I plan on hunting pyro down after this, and bbq'n his hide over hot coals