I can fly every 109 just fine ("fine" being not a relative term of my skill, but how the plane performs with my input via the joystick) except the G-2.
In the E, F, G6, G10, I can pull a nose up turn to conserve E and do a 180, coming out facing the other way. If I am slow enough, slats come out. I sort of know how to e-fight in a 109.
However, I had heard something about the G2 turning a bit better than the 6 or 10, so I tried it out... Climbed up, leveled out. Got speed up. Entered a furball. Tried to turn around.
Turning around is a simple thing. Nose up a bit, pull back and roll, and the plane miraculously rotates horizontally!!!
Not in the G2. It oscilates up and down, and jerks around like it's on crack. This has happened every time since I've flown the G2. And ONLY the G2. I can't pull any of the gentlest movements without the G2 going crack-crazy on me. It jerks like it's in a stall at all speeds. It disregards input and spikes around so f***ing bad I got "don't move controls so rapidly" responses.. BUT ONLY ON THIS PLANE!! NO OTHERS!!!
No it's not my stick. I've got it set up right for most planes and it has dampening set up to reduce any spikes I may get.
Consider the E, F, and all Gs except the G2 work. Thus it's not me. It's the G2. Something's FUBAR with this plane.
Please help! Anybody else experience this? I have a demo where I couldn't even do a mild turn, turn around and engage a target in a furball. In an F I'd have been all over the target. In the G2 I was dead stick most of the time because it wouldn't move the nose where I pointed. Speed was high enough (150+ to 200+ at all times) but... I can't explain it.