Author Topic: Proposal  (Read 278 times)

Offline Lucchini

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« on: October 13, 2000, 06:41:00 AM »
Yesterday I was taking off from A8 when I was killed by shuliken. He was vulching with a flack panzer close to our field and he killed more than 20 pilots after me.
I think that in the real war the flack panzer has been used only to defend one's country territory and not to attack enemy's territory or cities or fields.
It is a very annoying way to be killed, especially if you have chosen that field from the map and couldn't not control if there are flack around, or if u are landing after a well scored flight, with duels etc.
I propose to restrict the range of use of flack panzer and m16 to one's country field around area, so their destination is like in the reality, a defensive destination.
I hope u agree.

Offline popeye

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« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2000, 07:04:00 AM »

If a flakpanzer gets more than one or two planes taking off, it's not HIS fault.  

Broadcast a warning on country channel and grab a jabo from a nearby field, and waste the flak.

(When the 200mph bug is squashed, flaks will have a harder time vultching.)


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Offline Maniac

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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2000, 07:07:00 AM »
Is the fuel multiplier correct for vehicles? (SP?)

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Offline janjan

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« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2000, 07:21:00 AM »
I think flakpanzers and such mobile AA vehicles were used mostly in armored divisions. I.E. in fast moving columns in attack. Think any mobile AA platform (they were rather rare) was too valuable for field defence or any static job.

And yes those flaks are ...well...too many of em roaring around.

Offline -lynx-

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« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2000, 09:50:00 AM »
Just think about the whole thing for a moment:

An enemy flakpanzer is sitting next to your airfield which is still fully operational (ie is capable of launching aircraft) and no-one from the ground troops has been despatched to get rid of it? It's a gameplay bug, it should not be allowed by design.

It is one thing when an airfield is being over-run by ground troops assault - totally different when people are using what is an obvious flaw in game design. I think HTC need to look into this.  

13 Sqn RAF

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2000, 09:57:00 AM »
Theres an easy work-around, simply take out the enemy VH, then capture it.  One person can take out a V-field and capture it by themselves.

One tactic I like to do it to take out a tank from my airfield, find the offending OST, and take him out from long range with 75mm.  Works every time.  If he comes back, I drive out to within 2 miles of his spawn point, and pay him back kindly everytime he spawns.  

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2000, 10:11:00 AM »
This is NOT a bug or a bad game design.

It takes 15-20 min to get to almost every base in a tank/flak so you should have plenty of time to kill it before it gets to your base.

If you guys chose NOT to attack it before it got to your base then whose fault is it?                                              
Flak panzers are good but they are easier to take out than a tank so any AC should be able to take one out if they are smart. By the way taking off from a vulched field is NOT smart.

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Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2000, 10:14:00 AM »
What Mighty is saying is the truth, folks whined for strategy, now apply it.  

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2000, 11:16:00 AM »
I still say "oh, crap!" when I see an Ostwind. I also say"oh, crap!" when I see a high C-Hawg, B17, Spit, Mustang...

The war rages from the ceiling to the floor, and in my opinion that is a good thing.  

Offline sling322

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« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2000, 11:29:00 AM »
Personally I have never used the "200mph bug", but I have used the Ostwind as an offensive weapon on numerous occasions.  It might take me 15 minutes to get where I want to go and you can bet you bellybutton that if I see someone taking off and I can kill him on the runway then I am damn sure gonna do it.  If you get shot down taking off on your own runway more than once, its not my fault...its yours.  Everybody likes to whine about "vulching", but everybody does it.  So just stop whining and do something about it.  Like Rip said earlier...take off from somewhere else and take care of the problem.  

Offline gatt

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« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2000, 12:03:00 PM »
Speaking about realism, a field 40mm defensive ack should be able to gun the brain out of any Flak Panzer gunner.
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Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2000, 12:07:00 PM »
Originally posted by gatt:
Speaking about realism, a field 40mm defensive ack should be able to gun the brain out of any Flak Panzer gunner.

It does, sit there long enough and 40mm kills you, thats  why Flak and Tanks usually sit just outside  of 40mm range, or take out the 40's nearest them prior to encroaching on the enemy airfield.

Offline iculus

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« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2000, 10:07:00 PM »
I like things the way they are


Offline milnko

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« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2000, 12:12:00 PM »
Originally posted by -lynx-:
Just think about the whole thing for a moment:

An enemy flakpanzer is sitting next to your airfield which is still fully operational (ie is capable of launching aircraft) and no-one from the ground troops has been despatched to get rid of it? <snip>

It is one thing when an airfield is being over-run by ground troops assault <snip>

I have to agree with this, an airfield should have a security force stationed on or nearby specifically<sp?> for dealing with enemy ground troops. That would be HISTORICALLY accurate.

How about this:

Using the M-3 highlight (Note: same highlight as "PAN" mode) the target ya want the Troops to attack, then deploy em to make thier way towards killin' that target. Instant Security Troops!

This would enable ya to also use the M-3 at enemy bases to attack any structure on that field as well. HTC could figure out how much damage a truck load of drunks to do, and how many it would take to destroy various buildings.

Of course the whole time they are running to the target the M-3 hasta keep the building or vehicle highlighted so that the troops remain headed towards their assigned task.

Speaking of the ground war, why is it that the ack at fields don't have gun reload pauses? And at the ROF that they use, why is there not a pause for machine-gun barrel change outs?


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Offline Rickenbacker

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« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2000, 07:20:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:

One tactic I like to do it to take out a tank from my airfield, find the offending OST, and take him out from long range with 75mm.  Works every time.  If he comes back, I drive out to within 2 miles of his spawn point, and pay him back kindly everytime he spawns.  

This works well if you can pull it off, but whenever a Flakpanzer gets to your field the first thing he does is kill the VH and any offending acks.

If you're too close to the spawn point, the Flaks have no problem taking you out with a few shots, even from the front, as I discovered today when a Flak spawned too close for me to get a quick shot off (I was driving past its spawn point unknowingly). he fired a couple of (37mm HE!!!) shots that went through my tank like a hot knife through butter before I could even slew the gun. Tower time. Somehow that doesn't seem right. If the Flakpanzers were that good the germans wouldn't have had _any_ other vehicles.

        Rickenbacker (Ricken)

the Independent Swedish Air Force