Author Topic: Whaaahhhhh!!!  (Read 227 times)

jeff newman

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« on: March 12, 2000, 11:43:00 PM »
Well ive given a fair try I do believe and as always we have arrived to the point of pissing and moaning. In warbirds my handle is AKA the cry baby.
This radar thing or lack thereof gets my goat!
I log on and cant see a thing, I fly for ever dont see a con, ahh but they see me. Either you have in flight radar or you dont. Dont give the advantage to another color by taking out one radar and blinding one complete side its lame! I dont like it. When I log on to that I leave immediatly.
 Remove radar for the field not the whole color spectrum or country.
Another thing that is really frustrating is the frigin time flying to engage a con its ridiculous!!! I dont have patience for all that useless waste of time! Im reading a book and flying around what kind of crap is that!
And while were at it lets talk about that clip board!! Yeah its a joke get rid of it its useless as a turd! Put of few buttons on the FE and get rid of it. I could be using that stick button for changing the Tv channel instead! Plus its stupid.Maybe have it just as outlines and we can color it in with MS paint or Maybe we can get a crossword puzzle in it so when Im flying around looking for trouble I have something to do for the half hour I spend for 1 minute of action!
As a Mechanical and design Engineer I always place an emphasis on simplicity, less components make it well less complicated and easier to use.I dont need a bunch of usable un necessary configurations to play with in the menu. Im playing for the excitment of AtoA combat action. If I want to play with my computer Ill learn to use my scanner or make a web page. Having to manipulate the configuration in the game and out of the game is to much.
I compliment the fine work thus far that has brought Aceshigh to where it is. The graphics engine is very nice as I use hi res 3d the flight modeling is nice <except for bombing><Warbirds has it beat hands down> and you cant beat the crowd.
All that I can add as a customer suggestion and a consumer request is to just keep it simple. The less I have to do to get the maximum amount of enjoyment = revenue from me.  

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2000, 11:52:00 PM »
What really gets me is that I read this whole fricking post


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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2000, 12:12:00 AM »
When I log on to that I leave immediatly.

Buh Bye!

Read up on WW2 a bit.  The way radar networks functioned is that there were many stations but one central HQ where all the radar info was put together and transmitted to air defense units.  If you whack the HQ, the network is broken.  Deal with it.

BTW I'm a Mechanical Engineer and I greatly enjoy having all the very useful setup menus to tune my stick.  Unlike other sims where you have to rely on user-developed software to adjust things properly.

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 03-13-2000).]

Offline Torque

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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2000, 12:50:00 AM »


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« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2000, 01:20:00 AM »
Crist I thought it was Lazs


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« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2000, 07:16:00 AM »
warbirds has nothing beat hands down on ah , at least nothin that ah has implimented lol

well maby wb is more frustratin hands down

Offline delta

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« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2000, 05:26:00 PM »

Jeff said,

"And while were at it lets talk about that clip board!! Yeah its a joke get rid of it its useless as a turd! Put of few buttons on the FE and get rid of it."

So all who responded to this post don't like the content. All think it's ranting and raving. Be that as it may.

I have to agree somewhat with his comments on the clipboard.  I don't think the concept of the clipboard is bad.  But, the wayt the clipboard works (is activated or triggers new setting) is totally cumbersome and user hostile.

Convergence, I try and set convergence and it sort of works. But as I move the mouse to get out of the "Set Convergence" mode, I sometimes wind up setting some other bank of guns to a different (and unwanted setting).

Fuel Load Out: Same problem as above. I once had to quickly changed planes due to circumstances.  I thought (hell I know I went over the 100% drum setting) I had set fuel to 100%.  Took off and was in the middle of an engagement when engine stoped cold.

Out of fuel!  Somehow I had clicked the 25% drum in moving the mouse to the "Fly" pad.

It's that silly design where hovering over any fuel drum setting triggers an event or semi-activates the setting.

It's sort of confusing too.

In short, the way the clipboard actually works (as opposed to the concept) is a poor design.  HT should change the workings of the clipboard but he won't.  After all, what HT wants, we paying customers get.



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« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2000, 05:36:00 PM »
Great, go on the Gameplay Forum and make some specific suggestions!

Offline Pyro

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« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2000, 11:28:00 PM »
Radar can be affected locally and globally.  Locally by knocking out airfield towers and globally by taking out their HQ.  Taking out a tower is relatively easy while taking out the HQ is not.

As to the clipboard, I don't see how having buttons up on your screen all the time is an improvement.  We agree with simplicity and part of that is the reason for the clipboard.  Anybody coming into the game can access anything he needs from the clipboard.  If you don't want to use it, don't.  You can do whatever you want without the clipboard through simple dot commands.  To each his own.

Delta wrote:

HT should change the workings of the clipboard but he won't. After all, what HT wants, we paying customers get.

That's neither accurate or fair.  First, the problem you cite is not a design problem, because it's not designed to do that.  Second, don't start to play that tune.  We can't please everybody, but we do want to make things work.  Taking a confrontational self-appointed speaker of people role, us vs them, is not the right approach to take.  I assume you posted in a bad mood or something Delta, because it seems out of character for you.  

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

No sniveling!

Offline Torque

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« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2000, 02:29:00 AM »
atta boy waste Pyros time.  

Offline Westy

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« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2000, 08:32:00 AM »
never mind

[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 03-14-2000).]

Offline RAM

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« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2000, 08:57:00 AM »
To Jeff Newman:
Look, man your points can be better or worse. You might be right or wrong. but the way you are asking you deserve no attention. I guess is not so difficult to be polite with other's hard work, and ask with respect for those changes you might think are good to AH. I disagree in nearly all your points, but I respect them. Disagree you if you want,but do it the same way. HTC has worked hard on AH to do it the best sim in the history (and they are near their objective). To ask thinks in that way is to offend them. I Hope you change your ways of asking changes,bud.

To delta: HTC as long as I see is REALLY devoted to their customers' needs. but you cant give people ALL they want...because sometimes ALL the people want is
a) impossible to do
b) bad for Aces High

Dont forget they are a limited group,too and they are currently overworked. If I work on something as hard as they are doing and I listen or read a post like yours, I wont have been so polite as Pyro was. Believe me you walked FAR thru the line here. Please respect other's hard work and don't accuse them in such way.

my 0.02$ here

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 03-14-2000).]

Offline delta

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« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2000, 09:20:00 AM »
To All and Pryo,

First, thanks for reading and responding, Pyro.  Ok, i do get in "moods" everynow and then.

My comments about the clipboard stem from the awkward use of a mouse to select and confirm data input.  At work, I hate the mouse, because they're old, low quality, dirty and I have to clean the rollers daily.

At home, I at least have a higher quality mouse and usually have to clean them every 3 weeks to a month.

My preference would be direct keyboard selection or similiar to what was in brand w. Or pull down menus at least for the fuel selection.

The clipboard or rather the mouse acts funny at times.  Part of it is impatience on my part.  I change both planes and fuel setting depending on circumstances. and I am always in a hurry. Ask my wife.

Ok, Sorry about the rant.  I do realize that it's six (and only six) hard working people who are producing the best on-line flight sim in the world.  And priorities are priorities.  

I just would have preferred a different scheme for a/c and especially fuel selection.

Other than that, I love the sim. Oh I do wish the special events would materialize. I have a preference for early plane set and hope there will be avenues for this in the future.

Pyro and company, you are doing amazing stuff and I want HTC and AH to wonderfully succeed and run ien(ugh, "ien" kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth) into the ground.



Offline hitech

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« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2000, 01:55:00 PM »
Delta you might not know it but you can do all loadouts and fuel from the command line
Fuel Commands
.fuel 0 1 2 or 3 for 25 -100 %
Loadouts is
.ord Groupnumber Setnumber
The groupnumber ranges from 0 - 2
the set number from 0 - 9

Plane selection is
.Plane Planenumber[1- whatever]


[This message has been edited by hitech (edited 03-14-2000).]