So - they have to attack at least the following cities where installations are built or actually under construction:
Maybe it would be more effective to ask the foreign nations who help Iran in their nuclear program to stop the support.
Like Russia, China, Northkorea, France, Germany and so on.
Btw - Iran has actually missiles with the range to hit Israel and also biological and chemical weapon systems.
They havent used them, if I am right.
Why should they ?
Even while Iran declared Israel an official enemy the jewish state helps Iran politicly because it keeps the real enemy of Iran very busy: The arabs.
So the last thing Iran would do is attacking Israel or trying to destroy it. They serve the political interests of Iran well - as they did in the past.
You make the mistake to combine Iran and Arabs or thinking that they are united because they are muslims (while ignoring the fact that shiites and sunnites consider the other side as heretics).
One simple example:
During the war of Armenia and Azerbeidjan Iran supported the orthodox-christian Armenia and not the sunnite-islamic Azerbeidjan. Weapons, money and all other support was given to Armenia.
Iranian policy is not so primitive to say : "Hey - there are christians and the other are muslims, so lets beat the christians."
And another thing to remind:
Iran has never attacked another country in the last 100 years.
But it was attacked so often in the last 100 years.
We even declared our neutrality in both world wars - but these declarations were ignored.
In the 1st WW the Ottoman Empire, zaristic Russia and England fought battles in north-Iran.
And in WW2, when Iran refused to join the Allies and declare war to Germany the soviets and the British invaded the country, forced the Shah to resign and installed his son as a puppet who then joined the Allied and declared war to the Reich.
After WW2 Iran turned to the USA and for a while it seemed that Iran has a good chance.
In the 50ties the Shah was deposed in an unbloody revolution by the premier Mossadegh and Iran was on the way to democracy.
But then the CIA arranged the reinstallation of the Shah and the secret police SAVAK was killing thousands of iranians year by year while the western nations were so fascinating of the handsome iranian king and his wife.
The command centre of the CIA during the coup was in the US-embassy in Teheran - another fact which the iranian learned.
So when the shah was finally deposed in the bloody revolution it was wrong but logical that also the embassy was attacked.
Iran slipped into the next terror regime of the Mullahs, in a war, when the country was attacked by Saddam.
It was under attack of missiles with gas during the war ahgainst iranian cities - and the world didnt care because Iran was the bad guy and Iraq with Saddam the good guy.
And today Iran has to see what happened to Afghanistan and Iraq.
No democracy , no hope for the future. Again in both countries corrupt criminals are ruling and causing terror.
In Afghanistan the warlords and even the Taliban are producing drugs to poison the whole world and get money for their armies and pityful little wars.
In Iraq the three groups are still fighting and the puppetregime of Alawi is as accepted as the powerless man called Hemed Karzai in Kabul.
And also it could be seen that a terroristic country like Northkorea is not touched because of its nuclear arsenal.
So maybe - just maybe - some iranian analysts think that nuclear weapons could be an effective defensive weapon.
The sad thing is that Iran is actually trying to get the mullahs off power and bringing the country to democracy.
But all these efforts would stop when Iran is attacked by foreigners.
So I am sure that the mullahs indeed hope that some israeli or US cruise missiles hit an iranian installation to manipulate the people.
And that is this is the stupidy if you put Iran to the Arabs or really believing that they have any interest to destroy Israel.
Policy is much more complicated - not a simple black and white.