Author Topic: LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...  (Read 812 times)

Offline Wotan

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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2004, 11:17:37 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
A sad commentary on the continuing need for a closet in our society.

OTOH.. Anyone cheating on his wife is a lowlife scum in my book, regardless of his chosen sandbox.

Why would you think he was forced into the closet? He's not resigning over just being gay, or just "cheating" on his wife. As Gunslinger points out.

I agree any one who would cheat on their wife or husband, be it a man or a women is scum.

However, any excuse he makes or that is made for him about "being gay" in today's America is just a lot of BS. He wasn't "forced" to live a lie" he chose to.

May be he was "confused" or even "scared" but that goes to his moral failing, not societies.

 There are openly gay politicians, there are openly gay actors / actresses, there are openly gay business men / women etc...

Are we seeing another "good" democrat that blames his life’s lie on everyone else?

I would hope no one would be making excuses for him.

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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2004, 10:11:30 AM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger

he's clinging to power by spearheading this scandle and resigning in a way that does not allow for elections to take place.

I assume that refers to not arranging an extra election prior to next ordinary scheduled election ?

And the replacement lined up according to 'state constitution' happens to be democrat ?


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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2004, 10:14:57 AM »
Well on the bright side he did wipe his chin before speaking on National Television.

Offline SLCR

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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2004, 11:34:10 AM »
Even though having an affair is wrong they need to go after this guy because of hiring of his "butt-buddy" POET as a homeland security rep who had neither the experience nor the clearance for such a position.

naaaaahh, the conservatives will have a witch hunt because he chose to leave his kinda hot wife:

over the hairy bellybutton of this:

just wrong!  


Offline midnight Target

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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2004, 11:41:36 AM »
Originally posted by Wotan
Why would you think he was forced into the closet? He's not resigning over just being gay, or just "cheating" on his wife. As Gunslinger points out.

I agree any one who would cheat on their wife or husband, be it a man or a women is scum.

However, any excuse he makes or that is made for him about "being gay" in today's America is just a lot of BS. He wasn't "forced" to live a lie" he chose to.

May be he was "confused" or even "scared" but that goes to his moral failing, not societies.

 There are openly gay politicians, there are openly gay actors / actresses, there are openly gay business men / women etc...

Are we seeing another "good" democrat that blames his life’s lie on everyone else?

I would hope no one would be making excuses for him.

If you claim that he would have been just as politically successful as an openly gay man you are in lala land.

Sounds akin to someone claiming that the black guy would do much better if only he'd straighten his hair.

Offline Toad

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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2004, 12:05:02 PM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
He hired his "lover" who was not a US citizen as a State Homeland security rep.  The "lover" was than fired a month later when he failed to obtain a security clearence but was then kept on the state payroll at a wopping $110,000 A YEAR

If true, this is what needs investigation and follow-up.

The "I'm resigning........... but not until after the election to ensure my party holds the Governor's office" is just typical political BS. Either party would try that. It's up to the people of NJ to tolerate that kind of carp or not.

Seems to me if you resign.... you resign, effective immediately. That's just me.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Edbert

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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2004, 02:46:00 PM »
Top 10 (New) New Jersey Jokes

10. NJ chooses a new state bird: the swallow

9. NJ Turnpike to be renamed The Hershey Highway

8. NJ raises terror alert level to lavender

7. We know he didn't like bush, but this is ridiculous

6. Now we know why McGreevey enjoyed "polling" so much

5. What do McGreevey and the Isreali navy have in common? Jewish seaman.

4. NJ DMV to now call rear end accidents "a McGreevey"

3. Gives new meaning to "stuffing the ballot box"

2. NY Post headline: "McGreevey Goes Down"

1. Shouldn't take McGreevey long to get out of the governor's mansion - he's already got his **** packed!

Offline JBA

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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2004, 03:28:38 PM »
In Massachusetts, as has been debated here before, if Kerry wins the pres. then the governor has the constitutional right to appoint a new senator, but NO we have to give the people the right to vote on it so we are having a special election.
Maybe because when Dem. see they may lose a seat the have different set of priorities, when is it right to give the people the right to vote, and when should you appoint?
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Offline Wotan

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LOL! NJ Gov. McGreevy resigns...
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2004, 05:38:23 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
If you claim that he would have been just as politically successful as an openly gay man you are in lala land.

Sounds akin to someone claiming that the black guy would do much better if only he'd straighten his hair.

I am not claiming anything. I don’t know if the people of New Jersey would have elected an openly gay Governor. That choice is theirs. They don’t deserve to be lied to just so he can get ahead or get over on them.

He may have gotten elected as governor but he hasn't been that "successful". Even without the current scandal he would not be re-elected. His whole term has been surrounded by scandal; one after another.

You implied this guy was forced into the closet, which is just bull****. I am not sure he was so much "in the closet" in the first place. There have been rumors that he was gay or bi-sexual for years.

The only thing important about the current situation is the fact that he put his gay lover on the states payroll and he may or may not have harassed the guy into a relationship.

Being gay is the least of his problems.


Straight or nappy it’s all the same to me. But let’s see a black politician claim he’s not black or powder his skin to look “not black” and your comparison may make sense. Even if a black person would do this they would suffer the same moral failing as the governor.