Author Topic: ENY disablements  (Read 10618 times)

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2004, 12:53:45 AM »
The Spitfire Mk XIV is my favorite WWII fighter.  I practically never use it though.  I actually lost two of them tonight getting only one kill in the process.  I had a lousy night.

However, I would point out that my favorite aircraft has always been effectively denied me by it's gangbang icon.  The perking is fine, but it is too slow to survive the icon.
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Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2004, 12:56:14 AM »
Originally posted by bigsky
choose a different plane. or do you suck so bad that only the best planes will do for you?

This is hardly a constructive input and probably not the sort of comments HT wants supporting his case.

What do you say to the person who only flies once a week with his friends, and they all fly a particular plane for historic reasons?

Is this person responsible for the odds being skewed night after night? No.

Is his showing up with his friends on a given night likely to completely unbalance the arena? No - not unless it's a 30-member squad - and even then it's a maybe.

So ... why should this person - who sets aside one evening a week of his time to play AH - who practices offline in his favorite plane so he can do well - why should he arrive in AH and find that he can't fly his plane because the country odds just happen to be in his favor at the time. Why is he being punished? Why should he be forced to fly a plane he doesn't want to at all? Why should he have to choose between flying with his friends and flying his favorite plane?

Also there's the trend of Truce Warrior, where two countries gang up on the third who may or may not have a slight numeric edge - or not. The balancer in it's current form can't compensate for this.

In another thread I suggested an easy-to-implement alternative. Have the load-balancer only apply to captured fields. If you can advance without needed a huge numeric advantage, then you can fly whatever you want all over the map. But if you can't advance without The Horde, then once you're on foreign soil you lose the benefit of La-7's, etc. from those captured fields. You can still use these planes from homeland fields. Which allows squads to find fights on un-Horded areas of the front closer to these bases. This preserves what HT had in mind without making the wrong people suffer.

Offline Hyrax81st

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« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2004, 01:01:21 AM »
Originally posted by Karnak
The Spitfire Mk XIV is my favorite WWII fighter.  I practically never use it though.  I actually lost two of them tonight getting only one kill in the process.  I had a lousy night.

However, I would point out that my favorite aircraft has always been effectively denied me by it's gangbang icon.  The perking is fine, but it is too slow to survive the icon.

I would attempt to fly the F4U-4 much more but for the very same reason...

Offline Howitzer

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« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2004, 01:02:37 AM »
Originally posted by Hyrax81st
I agree Howitzer, if you limit your speed in the dive - you can survive the attempt (and pull out gently at the other end). This is also true for the P-38, which makes a great JABO plane if you are careful not to compress in the dive. The problem isn't entry into the bombing phase, but having the speed to climb out of the well before the base defense dives in on your 6 and blows you out of the air. If I dive flap, cut throttle and spiral in with the 38 - I typically don't have the E to climb back out and away from the La7 and 190 200ft behind me (at that point).

By the way - did your Mossie mission go into a capped field ? Were the kills "A2A" or GV and runway vulches ? Did you have any light fighter escort with you ?


I understand what you are saying 100%, we are on the same page.  As for the sortie, I think about half were air to air, but we were working together for the kills as well, so it wouldn't be a 1 vs. 1 dueling type of scenario.  That mossie can be a bit of a pig sometimes.  :D

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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Re: Re: ENY disablements
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2004, 01:05:19 AM »
Originally posted by Murdr
Since you asked......I would feel like a dweeb if 80%-90% of the plane set was availible, and I was sitting in the tower pouting about my choice ride.

Yesterday 80% of the planeset was not available -  I couldn't even up in a A8.

Offline Hyrax81st

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« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2004, 01:10:36 AM »
Originally posted by Howitzer

I understand what you are saying 100%, we are on the same page.  As for the sortie, I think about half were air to air, but we were working together for the kills as well, so it wouldn't be a 1 vs. 1 dueling type of scenario.  That mossie can be a bit of a pig sometimes.  :D

I like the gun package on the Mossy. If you can find someone in your squad who filmed it, I would love to view it. I agree that wingman tactics become very important in a plane that's a little less mobile than the Spit V (grin). The nice thing is that you usually get the kill (and not the assist) when you depress your trigger...

heh heh...

Offline 4510

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« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2004, 01:14:04 AM »
Originally posted by Karnak
Instead of being denied his P-51D he wants to deny me all aircraft.  Nice.

Well Karnak.. work with me here let's turn your argument around.  He has no problem with status quo.  You do.  Why don't YOU change countries to one not so badly outnumbered?  Then you have your flying experience, your problem is solved, and you didn't solve it by changing someone else's experience.

Of course I'm sure that's not what YOU want to do.... so that makes HIM wrong.:aok

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2004, 01:15:33 AM »
Originally posted by Karnak
Frankly, I would rather have seen the aircraft in question be perked than disabled.  Say, start at 20 perk points and work their way up from there.

But that isn't what we got, so for the time being we have to live with it.  As Pyro said it will be tweaked.

Perking would have been far better I agree.....

Offline dragoon

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« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2004, 01:22:37 AM »
wow Karnak posting without being a jeroff? big surprise here.  i posted pretty much the same whine no offense and was met by damn near every flamer in the game figures lol.

i agree with the poster of this thread. taking away our favorite rides was the wrong way to do it. its hurting my squad and i no of at least 3 others who are hurting cause of it. i saw our number at 7.0 tonight which totally killed pony runs for base taking. and we had 108 players on rook with the bish and nits less than 10 to 15 behind in numbers. utter crap.

would love to see it changed back or something else fingered out.

Offline KaK3MAW

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« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2004, 01:23:25 AM »
LIMITING plane set  because you have more numbers is only going to encourage more ganging.... Rooks could have 100 more players.. limmited to 109fe and spit1.. and be ganged by bish  and knights and be effectively outnumbered. I for one am lustily looking forward to exploit this arcade feature....
 BTW,,  do we get monthy fee decrease based on  lower percentage of totl plane set use?  we should.

"that which doesn't kill you isn't dangerous enough":aok
« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 10:45:54 AM by KaK3MAW »


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« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2004, 01:27:22 AM »
Originally posted by Hyrax81st
Let's see... 10 Mossies diving from 10K to the field.... BANG !

Oh, there goes our elevators. Also, 10 Mossies would be ganged by the normal cloud of La7's, 109's, Spits, etc... waiting to meet them. Mossy can't extend away from even a Yak.

Funny. I have no problem diving in on a field form 10K.
You just have to learn how to do it right.
Actually if your having problems diving in a feild in a mossie then your probably diving in on feilds wrong in every other plane too its just that your able to pull out of them easier in your other rides. but at the cost of great E.
Try comming in on a more shallow dive(in any plane) and in the end you will end up faster on your egress then you would if you dove straight down then pulled out.

BTW the YAK isnt exactly a slowpoke here.
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Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2004, 01:41:25 AM »
Originally posted by Hyrax81st
Non-Rook squads are not hurt by Rook numbers but by their own inability to COOPERATE or depart from their (apparent) furball and runway vulching missions. THAT'S what is hurting non-Rook squads - not Rook numbers...

Hmm, if this is really true...then the rooks should be able to kick butt without the huge odds they have had recently....shouldn't they? Here's a clue for yah, if HT didn't believe there was an odds problem in the MA...he would never have done this.

Personally, I will be interested to see how things shake out this weekend. You never know, you might find that doing a P40 mission could be fun. Guess it is all in how you chose to look at it. You can sit around and piss 'n moan about how unfair it is...or take it as a challenge to create missions that don't require the "Big 4".

I believe HT will exempt the perk planes from the balancing act. Since all of them have low ENY's and the perk cost goes up with the odds, it really is double dipping them to disable them.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Hyrax81st

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« Reply #42 on: August 14, 2004, 01:43:12 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
...Actually if your having problems diving in a feild in a mossie then your probably diving in on feilds wrong in every other plane too its just that your able to pull out of them easier in your other rides. but at the cost of great E.
Try comming in on a more shallow dive(in any plane) and in the end you will end up faster on your egress then you would if you dove straight down then pulled out...


I do use a shallower approach when using rockets. I prefer greater dive angle with bombs to insure accuracy. What is your angle and top speed (in the Mossy) when you decend from 10K ?

Offline Hyrax81st

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« Reply #43 on: August 14, 2004, 01:46:58 AM »
Originally posted by NoBaddy
Here's a clue for yah...
You can sit around and piss 'n moan about how unfair it is...

I re-read your statement several times but couldn't get past the insults to see if there was any intelligent contribution to be made.

Try again.

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2004, 02:15:06 AM »
I'm not really sure what to think of this ENY limiter.  On the one hand, I'm a Knight who rarely fly planes that have a very low ENY, so it shouldn't really affect me (I can't see the Knight's, or, anyone really, having their FW190A5's taken away any time soon).  

On the other hand, I can see where some people are coming from when they say they're being denied their ride of choice.  Some people just really like a certain plane.  When I first started, I only flew the Mustang, not because it was easy (to this day my K/D in one is atrocious), but because of "all I'd read, watched, or heard".  I snapped out of my affection, but I could see how others might not.  Some people might very well play this game purely to pretend they're really in a Stang or a LaLa, ya know?

I'd have to say that I didn't mind the update that lowered the ENY values of La7's, Spit9's, Mustangs, A8's, etc.  I thought that was a fair compromise because (since I am usually in an A5), although I might not be able to always escape from such planes, if I could shoot them down I'd be rewarded for my troubles with oodles of perk points, which I could then trade in for a C-Hog to beat them up in :D

I'd also have to say that I'd be in favor of perking many of the top performing planes.  But I wouldn't be in favor of heavily perking them at all.  A perk point of 1, which would then rise no higher than say, 3-5, even if one side had 200+, would be a good solution in my opinion.  That way, if a side had a massive numbers advantage, and someone wanted to fly their favorite low ENY plane, they still could.  Of course, their rewards for shooting down planes would be low because of their numbers and ENY, and they could very well come back with a negative score even if they got 2-3 kills before dying.

The two major problems with this idea are that:

- it might discourage new players, as it could be difficult for them to score a kill or two in some of the "rougher" rides. Then again, so might the current updated approach.  It's too early to tell.

- Perked rides usually like to get some alt.  And if there's one thing worse than an La7, it's an La7 that's above you.

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