Author Topic: Canadian Crack safehouse  (Read 1458 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2004, 11:55:02 AM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
An american is a moon is a moonman....

Just wanted to add, Vancouver is definately a different city today than it was in the late 70's and early 80's when I used to visit....I'd say they dropped the ball when it comes to drug abuse.

Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2004, 12:00:54 PM »
Nah, they attached rockets to it, to see if they make accelerate towards the ground that much quicker.

Welcome to Vancouver:  Heroin Junkie Captial of the World!

I wouldn't like if my province enabled drug users with my tax dollar.

Offline slimm50

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« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2004, 12:09:22 PM »
Originally posted by Otto
If you make drugs easily accessible the problem will quickly go away....

I believe that's a very short-sighted view.  I admit I could be mistaken, but I believe as soon as the Federal Gov't gets involved in the distribution/ control of drugs to the degree you're espousing, all kinds of social programs will find themselves dependent on "drug money".  Not to mention the increase of crooked politicians.      Sorry, that was redundant.     It'll be as big a cash cow as tobacco ever was and the problem won't simply "go away". On the contrary we'll end up with even more people dependent on those drugs, plus an ever-growing apathetic citizenry.       IMHO.

Offline vorticon

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« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2004, 02:30:54 PM »
i beleive the reasoning is something like this

1st. keep the addicts alive so they can get into a recovery program by ensuring what they get is clean

2nd. put dealers out of business by providing cheaper safer crack.

3rd. so far nothing else has worked.

slimms right. to a degree, as i pointed out providing cheap and easily accessible drugs to people who are already junkies will help end the problem as the dealers, who are in it for the money, will suddenly lose there buyers. basicly it  will take the incentive for selling drugs away, and if you position the "safe areas" correctly you can also put kids of trying drugs in the first place as they will see what happens if they do.

Offline 1K0N

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2004, 02:57:55 PM »
I am junk food junky, I would like the canadian government to provide me a safe place to eat junk food and also provide 3 meals of junk food per day.. If you provide me cheap and easily accessable junk food it will help end my dependancy and the junk food dealers will lose me as a buyer and after losing all junk food buyers, soon the junk food providers wil go out of business..While your at it run junk food ads that explain to kids what happens when you eat junk food and the problem will go away...just like that...

Surre it will

Offline vorticon

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« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2004, 03:04:44 PM »
Originally posted by 1K0N
I am junk food junky, I would like the canadian government to provide me a safe place to eat junk food and also provide 3 meals of junk food per day.. If you provide me cheap and easily accessable junk food it will help end my dependancy and the junk food dealers will lose me as a buyer and after losing all junk food buyers, soon the junk food providers wil go out of business..While your at it run junk food ads that explain to kids what happens when you eat junk food and the problem will go away...just like that...

Surre it will

poor poor analogy...

Offline slimm50

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« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2004, 03:42:02 PM »
Originally posted by vorticon
i beleive the reasoning is something like this

1st. keep the addicts alive so they can get into a recovery program by ensuring what they get is clean

2nd. put dealers out of business by providing cheaper safer crack.

3rd. so far nothing else has worked.

slimms right. to a degree, as i pointed out providing cheap and easily accessible drugs to people who are already junkies will help end the problem as the dealers, who are in it for the money, will suddenly lose there buyers. basicly it  will take the incentive for selling drugs away, and if you position the "safe areas" correctly you can also put kids of trying drugs in the first place as they will see what happens if they do.

Vort, I hear what you're sayin, but since when has the fed been able to operate any program efficiently, and how long ya think it would be b4 this program grew into something its originators wouldn't recognize? I simply don't trust government to pull something like this off. If (when) a program like this goes awry the consequences could be catastrofic. Just too much room for corruption.

Offline vorticon

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« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2004, 03:52:08 PM »
Originally posted by slimm50
Vort, I hear what you're sayin, but since when has the fed been able to operate any program efficiently, and how long ya think it would be b4 this program grew into something its originators wouldn't recognize? I simply don't trust government to pull something like this off. If (when) a program like this goes awry the consequences could be catastrofic. Just too much room for corruption.

hmm...true, but since its a BC thing, limited to a smallish part of vancouver, and probably going to be very closly monitored by the police, it shouldent have to much trouble. and given the alternatives, its worth a shot

Offline slimm50

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« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2004, 04:24:49 PM »
Originally posted by vorticon
hmm...true, but since its a BC thing, limited to a smallish part of vancouver, and probably going to be very closly monitored by the police, it shouldent have to much trouble. and given the alternatives, its worth a shot

lol, I was thinkin U.S. gov't tryin it here. Might work where you are.

But I still doubt it.

Offline Charon

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« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2004, 04:33:46 PM »
Feed them lots of crack and the problem will sort itself RIGHT out.

Curval, you must have seen the cult classic "Frankenhooker." Of course the problem there was unsorting them out :)


Offline RTR

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« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2004, 05:10:46 PM »
I think the idea is to provide a safe environment for the crack heads etc to get thier fix. You know, clean needles and a mom to give you cookies later.

The government doesn't supply the drugs.

However, the whole idea reeks. We don't need to supply these idiots with a "safe" environment. We don't need to spend money on this type of BS. Any form of support, federally or provincially, for this type of behavior only enables them further.

I liked it much better in the old days, when we didn't really care what happened to the junkies. Harsh, but there ya go.

To many damn bleeding hearts and not enough bubblegum to go around.

The Damned

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2004, 05:52:24 PM »
What happend to the junkies is that they were taken by the dozens to a pig farm in the fraser valley, raped murdered and fed to the pigs.

People started to realize that we were not keeping careful count of these people or caring what happend to they were very suseptable to horrible abuse that none of us would feel so cavelier about if it were our children. Now that 10s of millions of dollars have been spent filtering dna out of pig crap to find out how many of these missing female junkys were consumed someone figures that maybe some small fraction of that might be worth while to spend on trying to keep them alive.
I never saw a link to the original story though. Someone got one?

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2004, 05:59:03 PM »
Originally posted by Pongo
What happend to the junkies is that they were taken by the dozens to a pig farm in the fraser valley, raped murdered and fed to the pigs.

People started to realize that we were not keeping careful count of these people or caring what happend to they were very suseptable to horrible abuse that none of us would feel so cavelier about if it were our children. Now that 10s of millions of dollars have been spent filtering dna out of pig crap to find out how many of these missing female junkys were consumed someone figures that maybe some small fraction of that might be worth while to spend on trying to keep them alive.
I never saw a link to the original story though. Someone got one?

I think I might have eaten some of that bacon, I have this tendency to oink when pleasuring the wife down there...

Offline Gunslinger

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2004, 06:04:04 PM »
Originally posted by vorticon
poor poor analogy...

how bout this.

next time im in canada I expect FREE BEER.   God knows we cant have my drunk bellybutton sitting on the sidewalk drunk, I might get run over.  Plus I might have to rob a few people in order to get my BEER.....yes socialism rocks! FREE BEER FOR EVERYONE!

Offline Maniac

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« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2004, 06:28:55 PM »
Originally posted by Otto
The 'War on Drugs" is the dumbest thing this country has ever done and one of the most expensive.

And second comes "The war on terrorism"

Sorry couldnt resist.
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