Author Topic: A day in "ROOKDOM"  (Read 1758 times)

Offline acetnt367th

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2004, 03:12:05 PM »
Guys and Girls,

All I keep hearing is that flying rook is so much better than the other countries. This may be because those in other countries, like myself, have not been properly taught how to be helpful. May I suggest that some of the rooks change sides to help us along. It will make our side friendlier and will even make the game more fair since the sides would be more balanced.



Offline Urchin

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2004, 03:33:55 PM »
Man, and here I thought this was gonna be a blow by blow

"Took off with 15 friends to go hit an undefended base.  Saw one enemy plane 10k lower than us, 3 of us went after him, but when we found out he wasn't AFK we dove to the deck and ran back home.  Landed.  One safe landing!  Go me!  

Next Sortie:  Well, I'm feeling pretty brave after that last successful sortie, so I decided to go on another base attack.  Just me and 43 of my closest friends.  Man, it is so scary flying around at 37k with only 43 other people around you.  You just know an asteroid could come out of the sun and hit you at any minute.  We didn't see anybody this time, guess whoever planned this attack did a good job!

Next Sortie:  Well, my streak continues.  To date I am 478 / 0 against fuel tanks.  The last one almost got away, but I was in my Typh, so I just held the trigger down as I dove from 15k.  It was very scary going to the target that low, but I kept WEP on the whole time so nobody would catch up to me.  I did have one Bish that tried to follow me home, but I got on country channel and yelled for help like this "HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP I MIGHT HAVE TO FIGHT !!!! OH MY GOD NO!!!  SOMEONE PLEASE COME QUICKLY!!!"  Lucky for me, 18 rooks heard me, and in no time flat there were 10 La7s, 5 P51s, and 3 other Typhs on the poor dweeb.  I turned back around once he started fighting the other 18, but he died to fast.  So we all talked some **** about how great we are, then we landed.  I think I should get an assist for that.  Maybe even a full kill.  After all, that guy wouldn't have died if he hadn't been chasing me.  Maybe I'll make a post on the BBS about it."  

I had so much fun in Rookland today.  I'll talk to you tommorrow diary, after I play with my girlfriends some more.  "  

I think that's probably how a typical day in Rookland goes.

Offline humble

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2004, 03:46:25 PM »

I haven't had that kind of fun yet, but where I was flying we were outnumbered 2 of the 3 hops. Overall #'s were pretty even with rooks having a small edge...I flew a Jug hop this AM and rooks were lowest (or I'd of switched) but we had most bases by far. Local #'s were even but we seemed to have a bit of an edge...i.e. I was getting to them vs defending inbounds.

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Offline X2Lee

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2004, 03:53:24 PM »
Originally posted by Zazen13
It's been 15 hours since I've played Knights, maybe they've improved since then . ;)


You're lucky any knight cooperated with you or gave you a check six. Lots of us know you by now ;->

Offline Xargos

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2004, 04:05:39 PM »
Originally posted by X2Lee
You're lucky any knight cooperated with you or gave you a check six. Lots of us know you by now ;->

All the more reason not to even bother trying to help get the numbers balanced.
Jeffery R."Xargos" Ward

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Offline Zazen13

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2004, 05:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by Modas
Flyin' for the rooks is the best.

Last night during squad nite, I found myself in a 1 vs 4 (or 5) at v54 after trying to help a squadie (I was a little late getting there :D)

So, here I am twisting and turning thinking a 2 vs 4 would have been much better, when out of the blue, another rook comes down, telling me to rope and he'll clear my 6.

POW!  my 6 is cleared and the two of us go into a impromptu loose duece and promptly clear the remaing bandits.  The whole time communicating back and forth.

It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to know a rook I don't even fly with will come on down and dance in the weeds just to clear a "6".


Yup, that happens alot on Rooks.
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Quote, "Cherrypicking is a state of mind & being, not only Art and Scienc

Offline X2Lee

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2004, 06:41:13 PM »
Originally posted by Xargos
All the more reason not to even bother trying to help get the numbers balanced.

Why are you a snide "I am  rook and we are the best in the game type person"? I use my comma key more than I use my flaps or gun keys.

But I dont really care if the sides are balanced Id rather kill hurris and p40s.

Offline JB73

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2004, 06:55:35 PM »
what suprises me constantly in these type of threads is how people come to the "aid" of their country touting that is is juat as good or whatever.

thing is, in my 2.5 years here, i have yet to see a post from someone saying

"i flew for the bish / knights last night for the first time and WOW they are great to fly with".

it always seems to be someone who flys with us rooks, and is pleasently suprised. why is that?
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline X2Lee

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2004, 07:06:35 PM »
Originally posted by JB73
last night for the first time and WOW they are great to fly with".

it always seems to be someone who flys with us rooks, and is pleasently suprised. why is that?

Well thats simple, ask Zazen.

Offline JB73

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« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2004, 07:12:15 PM »
hey im just recalling my first few months as a knight... someone would suggest something, and immediatly be acused of being a "little hitler" or "napolean" or "little general" whatever.

funny that has never happened as a rook in over 2 years.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline kj714

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2004, 07:26:07 PM »
Hmmm, which knits did ya fly with? There's always plenty of chatter when I'm on.

Here's a knit story from last night:

Me and two squaddies roll into a base (A29?) in 2 osties and I'm driving an m3. Osties start taking down town, attacked by a Spit and a Mossie. Osties hit nme planes knock 'em down a couple of times. 110 ups and finds me, blam I reup and start driving back over, blam field gun finds me, reup start driving back over. Make it through this time, 3 knits - field captured.

"So, here I am twisting and turning thinking a 2 vs 4 would have been much better, when out of the blue, another rook comes down, telling me to rope and he'll clear my 6."

Amazing how rooks can conjur up e in a "tight" 1 v. 4 (or 5) turnfight to make it a rope and clear. How long you guys had RATO's on your fighters? Did he clear all 4 (or 5)?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2004, 07:29:07 PM by kj714 »

Offline JB66

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2004, 07:45:26 PM »
Hey 73!!

IMHO I think the reason Rooks communicate goes back to the days when the rooks were the whipping boy.  One of the main reasons the JB's moved to rooks is the level of communication the Rooks demonstrated.  It was right after a Rook reset several years ago when the Rooks had the lowest numbers, but through team work the Rooks were able to overcome being the underdogs.

One thing I've noticed is the established Rook squads even on squad nights, will let the stragglers and smaller squads fly with them, treating them as squadmates for the most part.

RJO is just another way the Rooks organized.  It was done to show numbers on one planned night so that we could open a can of whoop a**.

Offline bj229r

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2004, 07:50:34 PM »
I think one prob the Nits have is that they were dominated by the M.A.W. for too long. If the MAW werent involved in what was going on, there probably werent enough peeps to get it done. MAW dont talk much (or at least they didnt way back when I flew Nit) to peeps outside their group, as they are sposed to stay on squad vox for organizational purposes. My last nigt as a Nit (couple-three years ago)...strongest memory was a lone spit killing my goon as it approached town... MAW mission to a different base was 5-10k over my head....despite pleas...none of em came down. Went Rook next day. Anyhow, Saturday nights dont usually have 30-40 MAWS anymore, and the slack doesnt seem to have been picked up.
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Offline humble

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A day in "ROOKDOM"
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2004, 08:31:20 PM »
I didn't mean this post as a "one side is better" deal. As someone who never actually flew for "another team" I was suprised that I could TELL I was on a different side so quickly. Regardless of the numbers issue their is something to be said for the Rook "team chemistry". Today Rooks were still not highest # so I stayed since I could only fly 1 hop or two....happened to up at A25 (Was under attack) up in an la-5, was able to tool around helping out till i got down to bingo killed trying to land. Another vulchee deal on relaunch so took a 38 out of A42...was just JB73 in town in GV...amazingly rooks out of woodwork as soon as I hit cap (along with a few others and base cleared in 5 min)...again faster better quicker than I'm used to as a knight. I will always be a "knight" but that doesnt mean you dont give credit to the other guys for doing things right.

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Offline Jasta

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« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2004, 09:12:27 PM »
ive flown all three countries...

they are about the same to me. sometimes i get calls and help, sometimes i dont.

I still give out the info to everyone.