Author Topic: Some MA Stats to Chew On  (Read 1012 times)

Offline dtango

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Some MA Stats to Chew On
« on: August 21, 2004, 01:09:29 AM »
I was curious for a variety of purposes and took a little time to compile some stats for Tour 55 for MA squadrons.  Tour 55 consists of roughly 20 days of August thus far.

Total MA Squadron and Pilots:
Squadrons     Pilots
490                4394

Of this total the breakdown of squad sizes are:
20-32 Members: 77 squads - 1985 pilots - 45% of the total
10-19 Members: 86 squads - 1239 pilots - 28% of the total
2-9 Members: 325 sqads - 1170 pilots - 27% of the total

I was curious as to the make-up of the squads per country as well as how much time online they spent so as to have some data put together to make some intelligent decisions for the 412th regarding possible re-assignment to a different country.

I've only analyzed the stats for the 20-32 member squads thus far.  HT/Pyro/Skuzzy - all queries done manually - ugh ;) so hopefully I didn't clog up the server!  Here's the data compiled:

Squadrons: 21
Pilots: 522 (26% of 1985)
Pilots Delta vs Knights: -117
Pilots Delta vs Rooks: -302
Hours Online: 7965 hrs
Avg Hrs Online per Pilot: 15.26 hrs

Squadrons: 25
Pilots: 639 (32% of 1985)
Pilots Delta vs Bishops: +117
Pilots Delta vs Rooks: -185
Hours Online: 9297 hrs
Avg Hrs Online per Pilot: 14.55 hrs

Squadrons - 32
Pilots - 824 (42% of 1985)
Pilots Delta vs Bishops: +302
Pilots Delta vs Knights: +185
Hours Online: 10809 hrs
Avg Hrs Online per Pilot: 13.12 hrs

The data doesn't show anything that hasn't been felt in the arena thus far and demonstrates some of the impetus for the side-balancing encouragement through the ENY limiter.

What I did find interesting was the difference in the avg hrs online per pilot and didn't expect to see that variance.  You would figure that all things being equal that this would be very close in alignment.  Not sure why that is or what that is telling us.

Anyway - just some food for thought.

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline TequilaChaser

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Some MA Stats to Chew On
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2004, 01:20:30 AM »
thank you for your time and effort dtango.  much appreciated! :)
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline dtango

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« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2004, 01:22:50 AM »
Ah - forgot 1 more stat which goes along with the head-scratcher regarding the hours online difference.

Of squads in the 20-32 member range, Average Hours Online per Squadron are:

379 hours per squadron

372 hours per squadron

338 hours per squadron

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Online Shane

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« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2004, 01:36:40 AM »
offhand i'd say why you see bish having less people wiht more hours is due to the fact that when you're in a mostly defensive position they feel like they simply can't leave while the war is being "lost" - or making up ground lost earlier.

with rooks,  it the reverse, the larger numbers (especially for those who may only aprticipate on weekends or RJO's) mean there's less overall action to be found and they may feel that, well i'm not truly needed here, i won't be missed all that much.

as for knits, it's a combination of both, with more similarities to bish than rooks.

that's my offhand intrepretation.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline Chortle

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« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2004, 04:35:30 AM »
Nice work dtango, I'm sure I'm being thick but what does Pilots Delta v Country represent?

Offline Ghosth

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« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2004, 07:35:31 AM »
Thank you dtango sir.

Interesting read.

I think shane has part of it.  However for me how long I fly ussually is directly tied to my  frustration factor.

Once that hits the red mark its back to tower, alt F4.

The times  I fly the longest are when things are going well, knights had a bad night, we are down to 5 fields but retaking them as fast as we can. Teamwork is alive & well.

I hook up with stogey, agflit or others & we go grabbing some land.

If however I can not takeoff without being vulched from any one of 3 fields about the 3rd time I'm dead I'm gone.

Like I said, frustration is my demon I battle dailly. Partly because of age & other health issues my reflexes are gone. Eyes not what they used to be.

There is an old saying among pilots who fly bush, & small planes.

"There are old pilots, & there are bold pilots. But there are no old, bold pilots."

Well I was a bold pilot who's getting old.  :)

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2004, 07:41:48 AM »

(I love stats)


Offline dtango

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« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2004, 08:00:28 AM »
Chortle:  The deltas represent the difference +/- of # of pilots relative to the opponent countries.

Shane's observation is plausible.  I also think Ghosth's personal experience of # of hours online vs. frustration factor is a common response as well.  So if both of these were true then the Bishops have been busy having fun.  I can't quite reconcile the two though I think that there's truth to both conclusions.  Certainly there are a lot of other possibilities as well.

It could also mean that the Bishops have been trying to get organized as a country and fielding more sorties.  It could also mean that the Rooks are more casual players overall.

I'd be curious to take a snapshot of a tour when another country was in the pickle of being out-numbered for a period of time to see how that data compares.  I'd also be curious to see snapshots a couple of tours back to see if the data is similar.

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline bj229r

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« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2004, 08:15:45 AM »
ORrrrr.......mebbe more rooks have jobs;
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Offline Zanth

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« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2004, 09:07:02 AM »
Interesting work, however this is an arbitrary sample - a slice of the game.  Hitech gets to see the whole pie.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2004, 09:09:57 AM »

I asked about some other data related to what you have, but was told that data cannot be collected. I'd say you have all that there is, but it is difficult to interpret without much more history.

Good read though.
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Offline ghostdancer

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« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2004, 09:35:05 AM »
Hey Tango how many squads that span two or more squads per country? Call them supersize squads ... like Nightmares have two wings (squads).
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
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Offline TequilaChaser

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« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2004, 11:29:58 AM »
Originally posted by ghostdancer
Hey Tango how many squads that span two or more squads per country? Call them supersize squads ... like Nightmares have two wings (squads).

Yes that would be interesting, like the Damned have 3 wings ( squads) but the thing is probably 1/2 of all our members keep an active account and don't even fly, maybe 4 to 5 flights out of a tour at most.

and some are still trying to play catch up to where they can experience AH2 for the first time ( well their busy realife / work schedule plays the biggest part right now)

we have alot of members but hardly 1/2 of them fly/play actively on a fly 1 once a week or more basis, anymore.
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline humble

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« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2004, 12:44:00 PM »
The varience in number of squads is what intiques me, obviously part of it has to be related to the rotation of squads into the rooks earlier. I'm assuming many have stayed. I've been flying 3 days now and so far the numbers have been awful even when i've been up. Rooks havent had a restricted plane set once while I'm online. One time last night bisquits were way down and I was gonna switch but had time for 1 back later that night and rooks had I think things are rebalancing a bit.

Great info dtango...

BTW the B pony is a screamer in AH2...other than instrument panel layout is a gem.

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Offline ghostdancer

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« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2004, 01:07:47 PM »
From past tracking I did the numbers were relatively balanced monday through saturday nights. With one side having at times a 15-30 plane advantage spread.

Over the past couple of two weeks actually Bishops and Knights numbers have been increasing Mon-Sat and several times are the top country in numbers.

However, sunday (as I said before) is a whole different story. A majority of Rook squads have their squad nights on sunday (sunday night doesn't interfere with doing things with wife, girlfriend family). And as dtango has pointed the Rooks have large squad base .. even though they don't fly on average as much as the other countries squads; which shows on monday - saturday. However, sunday numbers swells for Rooks because of these squads coming on and having their squad night on sunday.

I willing to be you will see large Rook numbers again tomorrow.
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team