Author Topic: Killing Chutes, P-51's and the tears as big as horse turds falling down your cheeks  (Read 1330 times)

Offline Pongo

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Creamos latest
Creamo pulls out basketball and says “One, two, three” (bounces it off Pongo head) “CRY!”

“One, Two, Three” (bounces it off Pongo head) “CRY!”
This would be interesting..
Is this a something you learned from your step dad...

It’s actually flying with the WWII Bearcat pilot in our squad. It is thrilling to know your flying wing for the real deal.
Makes him fairly interesting ..Doenst change your profile a bit...the fact you chose to mention it to validate yourself in some way adds to the picture though.

Sturm Gruppe

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Call me a newby if you will, being new to AH relatively speaking (I could have been playing for months but the game just doesn't suit my fancy like Air Warrior 4W, II, and III once did.

Chute kills are not new to the flight sim world from what I can remember.  As far as being an honor thing, that's hog wash.  This game is no more about honor to us than Monica Lewinsky was about "true love" to Billy boy Clinton.  If it's about're sad...Ha!  It's a game, and should be a source of fun and relaxation.  If getting yourself shot down as a chute ruins this fun for you, you should reconsider your stay here at Aces High.  

And let's not forget the fact that sometimes people chute to KEEP from getting all know what I'm talking about...the dweeb who sees someone zooming in on his six and realizing his situation, bails to keep the aggressor from getting an easy kill on him and hurting his pride.  Now if it's REALLY an honor thing, that pilot in particular deserves to die more than anything else.

Back in the AW days...the chute kills was more about points than anything, and not in the way you think I'm going to respond...

In Air Warrior, when you got shot down as a shoot, as opposed to landing as a shoot, you got counted as a death and received less points, and being so infatuated with their status as a pilot on the pilot ranking boards, this really was a burr in their saddle.  

My answer to all of this is it's all horse hockey.  If it's really an honor thing...the "honorable" who complain about the chute kills would keep their pie holes shut and not waste their time complaining in the first place, and instead would silently hunt down their "murderer" in silence, (I think multiple kills over and over with no response from the killer to the killee would piss off just about anyone in the game and serve as a very good way to avenge ones death).  Instead, the "honorable" make themselves just as dishonorable by mouthing their complaints and concerns, "whining" so to speak.  Which is more annoying, hearing someone constantly whine about something that can't be fixed, or getting shot down as a chute maybe once out of ever 10 to 50 flights or more?

It's a game, I say play the way you feel is fun and relaxing, and let others do the same...and if bailing out and getting shot raising your blood pressure and causes your face to turn red, you might want to seek another means of relaxation and fun, as this one is going to give you a heart attack at a very early age and possibly at your computer desk.

33rd Strike Group



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Man do I ever like that creamo guy   Not exactly my type of jerk, but he'll do. I hope he blasts every single last one of you while your dangling in your supposed cotton fortress. Just more targets to me. Like them b26s...mmmm. Lunch.


Offline SOB

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PUNT!  Was digging through the bowels of the BB and found this  
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Westy

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 I remember this! Cod this is like a passage from the scriptures <genuflects and proceeds>

 I was so impressed with what Creamo penned that I was moved to make some wall space, in the living room, between the two solemn and sancitified pictures of the Holy Mother Mary and John F Kennedy for Creamo's picture to reside. It hung there beautifully too.


 Only problem was the old witch who owned the damned house called the police and I was busted for breaking and entering.

Offline sling322

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After reading this thread I wonder to myself... How in the hell did Hangtime get in to the squad?!?!    

Just kidding ya Hangtime!!  You need to get up in the arena a little more sailor boy.  

Not a Monitor!
Fat Drunk Bastards

Offline Creamo

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That was my 1st post...  

Offline Pongo

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That post coincided with creamo setting the tour one record for most bails.

Offline AKcurly

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If you guys think chivalrous deeds belong in Aces High, I think you dropped through a time warp or something.  WW2 was filled chute strafing incidents (both sides.)

Maybe WW1 was that way, but no way was WWII a chivalrous affair.

AH is such a realistic sim, it's difficult not to let your emotions get the better of you when someone just captured a field, blew up arena wide dar, killed your goon or vulched you off the runway.  While I don't go out of my way to shoot chutes, given the right circumstances, yep, I'll blast them.  


Offline Animal

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I have a book in wich an american pilot expresses regret for not strafing a chute of a 190 pilot he just shot down, because the 190 pilot was so good he was sure if he survived he would kill more allies

Offline Pongo

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Ya well
we all learn.
thats befor I found out how wing comander Caldwell got the handle "Killer"

Offline Tac

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"Sheesh! Not a very friendly reply to Galland’s chivalry"

Actually, it was Churchill who personally declined to have the legs ferried over. He said it was wrong to fraternize with the enemy. The legs were instead dropped by bombers hitting a nearby target (probably the airfield got hit as well, dunno).

Chute shooters? Lol, I love it when they crash into my chute, burn downwards and I get to brag about my iron ass.  

Offline Creamo

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You spend time in your day researching...err, I mean worshiping my stats pongo, and I really dig that. Really.


1-2-3- cry, boink!

Offline Pongo

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Naw I had dug that out for another thread where you were saying that people that bail are weanies anyway so shooting them down is mercy killing or something. Of course it was incredably funny and revealing that you had bailed so much. You probably forgot bailing so much because of the damage done to your skull by your basketball training as a kid.

Offline SOB

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It ain't the training Pongo, it's the liquor.  And yes, Creamo is a weanie  

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!